ウラギンタケ Phellinus discipes (Berk.) Ryvarden =Fuscoporia discipes (Berk.)
Y.C. Dai et Ghob.-Nejh.(.Coriolopsis subradiata (Lloyd) Aosima)
Phellinus discipes (Berk.) Ryvarden =Fuscoporia discipes (Berk.) Y.C.
Dai et Ghob.-Nejh
or slightly inoderm,)。傘表面はやや環溝状となり、しばしば放射状の小じわがあり、明るい朽ち葉シナモン色(bright fulvous
cinnamon)~赤褐シナモン色(rufous cinnamon)、狭い暗色の環紋がある。古くなると暗色になり、暗赤褐色~鈍い銅色(bay-brown
umber~dull copper)、乾くと淡色になり、縁は鮮山吹色(lurid golden yellow)、縁は鈍縁、その後鋭縁、全縁、その後、分裂や切れ込みができる(初め短いビロード状又は白紛状、やがて平滑、光沢がある)。柄は長さ1~4㎜、幅3~6㎜、多少、扁平、基部の盤は幅8~14㎜、傘と同色、初め、密な軟綿毛があり、鮮黄色、すぐに暗色の暗灰鉄銹色までになり、2㎜以下の厚さで盤を覆い、傘の上まで薄層として広がる。まれに、散在するパッチとなって広がり、ときに管孔の上にも広がる。管孔長は0.5~1.5㎜、ときにたった20~80µm。
var. stereoides 管孔長80(200) µm以下、傘の広い部分で管孔が無い。
var. discipes 傘の基部の肉が厚さ1~3.5㎜、管孔長1.5㎜位以下、単層。
var. major 傘の基部の肉が厚さ7~15㎜、2~4層のとき管孔長1.5~2.5㎜、
Fruit-bodies shortly pleuropodal with discoid base, often imbricate, seasonal.
Pileus -5.2 cm radius, -9.6 cm wide, slightly ascending, subcuneate to
subspathulate then flabelliform to reniform, sometimes lobed or incised
and foliaceous at the margin in old specimens, applanate, rather thin,
pliant, matt or slightly inoderm, even or slightly sulcate-zoned, often
radially subrugulose, bright fulvous cinnamon inclining to rufous cinnamon
with narrow crowded darker zones, darker in age to bay-brown umber or dull
copper colour, drying paler; margin lurid golden yellow, obtuse then acute,
entire becoming lobed or incised. Stem 1-4 x 3-6 mm, more or less flattened
in plane with the pileus, disc 8-14 mm wide, concolorous with the pileus;
becoming covered with close soft subtomentose padding at first bright yellow
but soon darkening to fuscous ferruginous, covering the disc -2 mm thick
and spreading as a thin layer on to the pileus, rarely extending in scattered
patches, sometimes extending on to the pores. Tubes 0.5-1.5 mm long, sometimes merely
2080 μm, shorter towards the base of the pileus, 0-0.5 mm at 5 mm from
the margin, date-brown umber or dark snuff-brown; pores 90-120 μm wide,
dissepiments 40150 μm thick and often of unequal length giving irregularly
dentate pores, concolorous with the tubes. Flesh 1.5-3.5 mm thick at the
base of the pileus thinning to 0.5-1.5 mm near the margin, coriaceous,
lurid golden yellow then ferruginous ochraceous to dark fulvous cinnamon,
without a crust. Smell slight, sourish. On dead branches, sticks and fallen
trunks in the forest -1300 m alt. Malaya, not uncommon. Palaeotropical.
Spores 5.5-7 x 3 μm, 4.5-6 x 2-3 μm (Ryvarden), elongate ellipsoid to subcylindric,
obtuse, thin-walled, smooth, with 1 gutta 1-2 μm wide, sometimes also a
guttula (living); old spores in the tubes pale yellowish. Basidia 9-15
x 3.5-4.5 ,am; sterigmata 4, 2-2.5 μm long. Cystidioles sparse. Setae none.
Hyphae d3, without clamps, with generative and mediate hyphae as abundant
as skeletals; generative hyphae 1.53.5 μm wide, the smaller thin-walled
and colourless, the wider with yellowish or pale brownish walls -0.5 μm
thick, septate at intervals of 9-180 μm, the narrower often interwoven
and applied round the skeletals, the wider more longitudinal; skeletals
35 μm wide with thick bright yellow brown walls and linear lumen, mostly
aseptate, unbranched, unlimited (traced for 2-3 mm), but some -1 mm long
with subacute ends in the tissue, some with a few distant septa or secondarily
septate, rarely closely septate; mediate hyphae 2.5-3.5 μm wide, as thicker-walled
longitudinal generative hyphae, septate at intervals of 40-200 μm, gradually
transforming into the skeletals; dissepiments d3, with skeletals 3-4 μm
wide, not agglutinated. Surface of pileus with very oblique to longitudinal
skeletal hyphae, often with rather flexuous ends, but no tomentum, becoming
bound with generative hyphae but not levigate, thus similar to the dense
tissue just over the tubes. Disc at the base of the stem developed rhythmically
by successive outgrowth of hyaline generative hyphae 1.5-2.5 μm wide, enlarging
into short skeletals 2.5-4 μm wide with thick yellow brown walls, giving
a dark line in the tissue in section before the next outgrowth, the tissue
very compact.
Key to the varieties of Phell. discipes
1. Tubes very short, -80(-200) μm long, the proximal part of the pileus often devoid of pores. . . var. stereoides 1. Tubes longer.
2. Flesh 1-3.5 mm thick at the base of the pileus. Tubes -1.5 mm long,
not stratose. var. discipes
2. Flesh 7-15 mm thick. Tubes 1.5-2.5 mm long, then 2-4 stratose. var.
Phellinus discipes var. discipes As above. This species much resembles Ph. gilvus var. licnoides but differs in being shortly stipitate, commonly larger, with characteristic padding at the base of the stem, and without setae. The hyphal construction fits Phellinus but not the seasonal habit which suggests Inonotus; the stem fits neither genus.
Pileus 1.5-2.5 inches broad, 1-1.5 inch long, reniform, or somewhat cuneate,
thin, coriaceous, sometimes laterally confluent, tawny, at first most minutely
velvety or pruinose, at length smooth and rather shining, marked with one
or two concentric ridges, between which it is repeatedly and finely zoned,
often plicate (like Pol. Auberianus) or slightly rugged, but sometimes
nearly even; margin very acute. Stem extremely short, disciform. Hymenium
uneven, of a rich yellow-brown; margin barren, yellow; pores minute, not
0.01 inch in diameter, punctiform; dissepiments here and there slightly
elongated. Allied to Pol. brunneolus, with somewhat of the aspect of Pol.
cupreus. It is an extremely elegant species.
スルメタケ(ヨコグラタケ)Rigidoporus lineatus (Pers.) Ryvarden世界に広く分布する。子実体は無柄、側着生、広葉樹の根際に発生する。傘は半円形~棚状、幅2~10㎝、厚さ3~8㎜、やや鈍縁。傘表面は黄色~わら色~土黄色~淡黄褐色~污黄色、汚褐色の環紋、不明瞭な環溝がある。管孔面は淡汚褐色(黄土色~類白色~淡黄褐色)、孔口は円形、崩れやすく、5~7(8)個/㎜、管孔長は1~3㎜。肉は黄白色、コルク質、吸水性、乾くと著しく堅くなる。無味、異臭。胞子は長さ5~6µm、幅4.5~5µm、類球形~広卵形、無色、平滑。シスチジアは薄壁紡錘形と厚壁狭紡錘形の2形あり、先端に結晶物を付着する。菌糸は偽2菌糸型。原菌糸はクランプが無い。骨格菌糸に隔壁がある。