
Flora of Mikawa
ナス科 Solanaceae ペチュニア属
別 名 | ツクバネアサガオ 衝羽根朝顔 |
中国名 | 碧冬茄 bi dong qie |
英 名 | Compact Growing Floribunda Petunia. |
学 名 | Petunia x hybrida (Hook.f.) Vilm. Petunia violacea var. hybrida J. D. Hooker. |








花 期 | 4~10月 |
高 さ | 10~30㎝ |
生活型 | 1年草、多年草 |
生育場所 | 栽培種 |
分 布 | 外来種 南アメリカ、北アメリカ原産 |
撮 影 | 西尾市 17.11.27 |
& Hashimotoである。コンテナや花壇などよく栽培されているのはハイブリッド園芸品種のPetunia x hybridaであり、Petunia
axillarisとPetunia integrifoliaのハイブリッドである。このハイブリッドは1800年代初めにドイツとイギリス作られたものである。その後、ヨーロッパ、日本、アメリカで品種改良が進み、多様な品種が作り出された。日本でもペチュニアは古くから親しまれ、戦前には世界に先駆けて日本の種苗会社(サカタ)が八重咲き品種オール・ダブルペチュニアのビクトリア・ミックスF1の商業化に成功し、オール
アメリカ セレクションズ(AAS)の銀賞を受賞している。現在では匍匐性の丈夫なPetunia altiplanaも交配に使われるようになり、大輪~中輪~小輪、形や色の変化も多彩である。最近の人気品種はサフィニアである。
カリブラコア属はペチュニア属に含められていたが、遺伝子研究により、染色体数が異なり、2005年にペチュニア属から分けられることになった。カリブラコア属は 2n = 18 , ペチュニア属 は 2n = 14 である。カリブラコア属の園芸種はCalibrachoa × hybrida カリブリコアハイブリッドがほとんどである。日本のサントリーが1980年代にハイブリッドを作り出し、1990年代に最初の園芸種(Million BellsR serie Suntory 1992)が出されたのがきっかけとなっている。現在では非常に多くの園芸種が作り出されている。また、カリブラコア属とペチュニア属とのハイブリッドも作り出されている。
草本、普通、腺毛がある。茎は直立又は寄りかかり、分枝する。葉は葉柄があり、単葉、全縁。花は単生、腋生し、やや、放射相称。咢は筒状鐘形、5深裂する。花冠は漏斗形又は高坏(たかつき)形、花冠筒部は上側で次第に膨れる。花冠は浅く5裂、裂片は短く、先は円形又は短く尖る。雄しべは花冠筒部につき、突き出ない。花糸は細い。葯は縦に裂開する。花盤には蜜腺があり、全縁又は分裂する。子房は2室。柱頭は不明瞭に2裂。胚珠は多数。果実は乾き、2バルブの蒴果。種子は小さく、類球形又は卵形、網状の穴がある。胚はわずかに曲がるか又は直立する。 2n = 2x = 14、x(haploid number)=7
Petunia altiplana Ando & Hashimoto 多年草、茎が平伏、花が赤紫色
Petunia axillaris (Lam.) Britton, Stern & Poggenb. 花が大形、白色
Petunia bajeensis T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia bonjardinensis Ando & Hashimoto
Petunia exserta J.R. Stehm. in Napaea 鳥媒花
Petunia guarapuavensis T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia inflata R.E. Fr. 花が小形、紫色
Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell. 花が紫色
Petunia interior T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia littoralis L.B. Sm. & Downs
Petunia occidentalis R.E. Fr.
Petunia patagonica Millan
Petunia reitzii L.B. Sm. & Downs
Petunia riograndensis T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia saxicola L.B. Sm. & Downs
Petunia scheideana L.B. Sm. & Downs
synonym Petunia nyctaginiflora
英名は large white petunia , night-scented petunia
1年草又は短命の多年草。茎は直立又は傾伏。葉は卵形~楕円形。葉身は長さ2~7㎝、下部の葉は互生し、葉柄はがある。上部の葉はやや対生、無柄又はほとんど無柄、茎の上部では小さくなる。花柄は長さ2~4㎝。咢は長さ10~20㎜、咢片は長楕円形。花冠は白色、花冠筒部は倒円錐形、長さ30~45㎜。舷部(拡大部 limb)は車形~広星形、直径40~60㎜、、裂片は円形。雄しべは長さ10~15㎜。葯は長さ2~3㎜。花柱は長さ20~30㎜直立。蒴果は円錐形、鈍形、長さ8~12㎜、咢裂片から突き出ないか又は短く突き出る。種子は球形又はやや角(かど)があり、直径0.6㎜、淡褐色。
品種) 'Dynastie Bleu Fonce' , 'Silver Dragon'
3 Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell.
synonym Petunia. violacea Lindl
英名は violet-flowered petunia , violet petunia
4 Petunia inflata R.E. Fr. i (violet Petunias).
synonym Petunia integrifolia subsp. inflata Wijsman
5 Petunia altiplana T. Ando et Hashim .ペチュニア・アルチプラーナ
synonym Petunia integrifolia subsp. depauperata
6 Petunia ×atkinsiana (Sweet) D. Don ex W. H. Baxter ペチュニア(ツクバネアサガオ)
synonym Petunia x hybrida (Hook.f.) Vilm. ( P. axillaris × P. integrifolia)
common garden petunia , garden petunia , petunia
普通に栽培されているペチュニア。Petunia axillarisrと Petunia integrifoliaとPetunia inflata(Petunia integrifoliaの亜種ともされる)との交雑種。
品種) 'Storm Pink' , Mirage Series , Carpet Series , 'Storm Salmon' , 'Storm Lavender' , 'Storm Pink' Carpet Series Mirage Series 'Storm Salmon' 'Storm Lavender' , ‘Purple Wave’ , ‘Tidal Wave’, Carpet Series[AGM , 'Caschamp'[AGM] , 'Charlie's Angels Charlie'[AGM] , 'Conblue'[AGM] , 'Conglow'[AGM] , 'Constraw'[AGM] , 'Dancasye'[AGM] , 'Keilavbu'[AGM] , Mirage Series[AGM] , 'Petitunia Happy Dream'[AGM] , 'Shihi Brilliant'[AGM] , 'Storm Lavender'[AGM] , 'Storm Salmon'[AGM] , 'Storm Pink'[AGM] , 'Sunpurve'[AGM] , 'Suntosol'[AGM] , 【(Surfinia Trailing Series) Blue Veined , Brilliant Pink , Deep Red , Pink Veined , Rose Veined , Sky Blue , Trailing Heavenly Blue , White 】=サフィニア'Surfinia (多花性)サントリーと京成バラ園芸 , Carpet Series , Mirage Serie , 桃色吐息
遺伝子組換えペチュニア品種) 農林水産省が花の写真を掲載している回収の必要があるもの
(第1報)平成29年5月 4品種の写真公表
African Sunset=F1オレンジクイーン , Pegasus Orange Morn , Pegasus Orange , Pegasus Table Orange , Go!tunia Orange , Potunia plus Papaya , Bonnie Orange , Sanguna Patio Salmon , Sanguna Salmon , F1ディーバマンゴー , F1ディーバレッド ,F1ディーバディープパープル ,
(第2)平成29年5月 10品種
ほおべに、くちべに、 うすべに姫、ほおべに姫、穂希、イエローマジック、 セブンティーン、深紅のつばさ、 サーモンマジック、ミランダ
(第3報)平成29年9月 36品種
朝倉ろまん , 朝倉ろまんレッド , 朝倉ろまんミステリー , アモーレミオ , アリーレッド , あんずちゃん , 植えっぱ苗ペチュニア ビビットオレンジ , 植えっぱ苗ペチュニア ビビットスカーレット , 植えっぱ苗ペチュニア花びらラブ , ガーデンレディコレクション ペチュニアピーチ(サーモンレイ) , キャンディーペチュニア サンシャインピンク , 小玉すいか , 桜もち , サフィニアアートピーチ , スーパーチュニアローズリップ , ストロベリージェラート , 流れ星カシスオレンジ , 流れ星チェリーピンク , 這性ピンク , 紅あんず , ぽっちゃりピンク(折り鶴) , ほろよいレモン , ポンポン咲くペチュニア小花 レッドファイヤー , マリリンルージュ , マンダリン , メロンパン , 夕やけオレンジ , ヨコハマアプリコットファンデーション , ヨコハマクラシカルハーモニー , ヨコハマグランオーレ , ヨコハマジュエリーボックス , ヨコハマセンチュリーセレブレーション , ヨコハマピンクジュエリー , ヨコハマフルーツポンチ , ヨコハマレッドムーンライト , レモンちゃん
(第4報)平成29年12月 10品種
クレイジーチュニアイエローストライプ , クレイジーチュニアかわいいストライプ , グロー , サクラピンク , 一重オレンジストライプ , 一重レッドストライプ , ピンクスターダスト , フルーツパンチ , ペチュニア アモーレミオ , ペチュニア リトルチュニアレッドファイヤー
カリブラコア属はペチュニア属に入れられていたが、遺伝子研究により、染色体数が異なり、2005年にペチュニア属から分けられることになった。 (カリブラコア属は = 2n = 2x = 18 , ペチュニア属 = 2n = 2x = 14
1年草(Calibrachoa parviflora , Calibrachoa pygmea )又は短命の常緑多年草又は亜低木。1年草種と多年草種は交雑できない。1年草のCalibrachoa parviflora , Calibrachoa pygmeaは種子の表面の微細構造が異なり隔壁が波状。また、3種を除き、蜜蜂媒介の自家不和合(self-incompatible)である。Calibrachoa sendtneriana とCalibrachoa serrulataは鳥媒介、Calibrachoa pygmeaはスズメガ媒介である。腺毛がある。茎は平伏~傾伏して広がる性質があり、節から根を出す。腋生の枝は短く、葉が多い。葉は互生又は対生、±ほぼ無柄。花は小さいペチュニア型、直径2.5~3㎝。咢片は長さ3~6㎜、果時に11㎜以下、楕円形~狭倒卵形。花冠は漏斗形又は高坏(たかつき)形=トランペット形、長さ1.8~2.5㎝。
花が小さく、直径2.5~3㎝ ペチュニアは普通、この2~3倍。
Calibrachoa caesia (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa calycina (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa cordifolia Stehmann & L.W.Aguiar
Calibrachoa dusenii (R.E.Fr.) Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa eglandulata Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa elegans (Miers) Stehmann & Semir:花冠の周りに暗紫色の輪がある(atropurpurea)
Calibrachoa ericifolia (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa excellens (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman:花冠の周りに暗紫色の輪がある
Calibrachoa felipponei (Sandwith) Stehmann
Calibrachoa hassleriana (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa heterophylla (Sendtn.) Wijsman:花冠の周りに暗紫色の輪がある
Calibrachoa linearis (Hook.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa linoides (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa macrodactylon (Sm. & Downs) Wijsman
Calibrachoa micrantha (R.E.Fr.) Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa missionica Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa paranensis (Dusen) Wijsman
Calibrachoa parviflora (Juss.) D'Arcy :self-compatible , 1年草、Calibrachoa pygmea以外と交雑不可。花は小輪
Calibrachoa pubescens (Spreng.) Stehmann:花冠に網目の脈がある
Calibrachoa pygmea (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman:1年草 , スズメガ媒花(hawkmoths)、Calibrachoa parviflora以外と交雑不可
Calibrachoa regnellii (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa rupestris (Dusen) Wijsman
Calibrachoa scabridula (C.V.Morton) Stehmann
Calibrachoa sellowiana (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa sendtneriana (R.E.Fr.) Stehmann & Semir:鳥媒花(melittophilous)hummingbird pollination
Calibrachoa serrulata (L.B.Sm. & Downs) Stehmann & Semir:鳥媒花hummingbird pollination
Calibrachoa spathulata (L.B.Sm. & Downs) Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa thymifolia (A.St.Hil.) Stehmann & Semir
synonym Calibrachoa humilis (R.E. Fr.) Stehmann & Semir
2 Calibrachoa parviflora (Juss.) D'Arcy ヒメツクバネアサガオ
synonym :Petunia parviflora Juss. ヒメツクバネアサガオ
Calibrachoa parviflora 'Wescacandy' (PBR)
3 Calibrachoa × hybrida カリブリコア(カリブリコアハイブリッド)
カリブリコアはヨーロッパには200年前に導入されていたが、そのポテンシャルを引き出すことができなかった。日本のサントリーが19980年代にハイブリッドを作り出し、1990年代に最初の園芸種(Million BellsR serie Suntory 1992)が出された。現在では非常に多くの園芸種が作り出されている。
英名はtrailing petunia , mini petunia , Million bells
多年草、しばしば1年草又は2年草。這って広がり、細かく多数分枝する。成長して高さ約7㎝、幅20~60㎝。葉は常緑、腺毛があり、粘り、淡緑色~オリーブ緑色、小さい披針状卵形、長さ2~3㎝、幅0.7㎝以下。花期は晩春~霜時、花は多数つき、夏に最も多い。花は小さく、直径2.5~3㎝、花冠は筒部があり、先が5裂し、裂片の縁は2裂し、蕾では花冠が捻じれる。色は単色、2色、クリーム色、黄色、橙黄色、キンレンカ色(nasturtium)、ブロンズ色、ピンク色、サーモンピンク色、マゼンタ色、チェリーレッド色、赤銅色(coppery red)、モーブ色、紫色、濃色の脈があり、のど部の底はしばしば黄色になる。ペチュニアやサフィニアより耐乾性が強い。サフィニアSurfiniasはカリブラコアとペチュニア(主にPetunia axillaris , Petunia integrifolia , Petunia violacea)との様々なハイブリッドである。
A '01c-j-4' ,
【 (Aloha Series) Aloha Double Lavender = 'Duealdublav' (PBR) , Aloha Double Strawberry = 'Duealdubstra' (PBR) , Aloha Gold = 'Duealgo' (PBR) , Aloha Hot Orange = 'Duealhotor' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Cherry = 'Duealkocher' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Madarin = 'Duealkomand' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Mango = 'Duealkomango' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Midnight Blue = 'Duealkomidbu' (PBR) , Aloha Midnight Purple = 'Duealmidpu' (PBR) , Aloha Neon 09 = 'Duealneon9' (PBR) , Aloha Neon 2011 = 'Duealne011' (PBR) , Aloha Purple = 'Duealpur' (PBR) , Aloha Purple Sky = 'Duealpursky' (PBR) (Aloha Series) , Aloha Red = 'Duealred' (PBR) , Aloha Red Fox , Aloha Royal White = 'Duealroywi' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Hot Pink = 'Duealtihotpi' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Lychee = 'Duealtily' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Mango = 'Duealtiman' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Orange = 'Duealtior' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Soft Pink = 'Duealtisopi' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Strawberry = 'Duealtistraw' (PBR) , Aloha Yellow = 'Duealyel' (PBR) 】 ,
B Balcabango' , 'Balcabcher' (PBR) , 'Balcabdebu' (PBR) , 'Balcabdepy' (PBR) , 'Balcabhopi' (PBR) , 'Balcabimred' (PBR) , 'Balcablav' (PBR) , 'Balcablitpi' (PBR) , 'Balcabpea' (PBR) , 'Balcabpiken' (PBR) , 'Balcabplo' , 'Balcabpurim' (PBR) , 'Balcabpurp' , 'Balcabred' (PBR) , 'Balcabrite' (PBR) , 'Balcabrose' (PBR) , 'Balcabscar' (PBR) , 'Balcabwit' , 'Balcabwitim' (Cabaret Series) , 'Balcabyelow' (PBR) , 'Balcanapt' , 'Balcaneoni' , 'Balcanerry' (Can-can Series) , 'Balcanoa' (PBR) (Can-can Series) , 'Balcanoran' , 'Balcanoree' , 'Balcanosar' , 'Balcanrost' , Balcantera' ,
【(Cabaret Series) Cabaret Apricot = 'Balcabapt' , Cabaret Bright Red = 'Balcabrite' (PBR) , Cabaret Cherry Rose = 'Balcabcher' (PBR) , Cabaret Deep Blue = 'Balcabdebu' (PBR) , Cabaret Deep Yellow = 'Balcabdepy' (PBR) , Cabaret Hot Pink = 'Balcabhopi' (PBR) , Cabaret Lavender = 'Balcablav' (PBR) , Cabaret Light Pink = 'Balcablitpi' (PBR) , Cabaret Mango Tango = 'Balcabango' , Cabaret Peach = 'Balcabpea' (PBR) , Cabaret Pink Rose Vein = 'Balcabpiken' (PBR) , Cabaret Purple = 'Balcabpurp' , Cabaret Purple Glow = 'Balcabplo' , Cabaret Red = 'Balcabred' (PBR) , Cabaret Red Improved = 'Balcabimred' (PBR) ) , Cabaret Rose = 'Balcabrose' (PBR) , Cabaret Scarlet = 'Balcabscar' (PBR) , Cabaret White = 'Balcabwit' , Cabaret White Improved = 'Balcabwitim' , Cabaret Yellow = 'Balcabyelow' (PBR) , Cabaret Yellow Improved 】,
'Cal Britreeda' (PBR) , 'Cal Bule' , 'Cal Bulrose' (PBR) , 'Cal Corink' (PBR) , 'Cal Cremey' (PBR) , 'Cal Darbule' , 'Cal Depyel' (PBR) , 'Cal Goldey' (PBR) , 'Cal Ivory' , 'Cal Laver' , 'Cal Litbule' (PBR) , 'Cal Litelaver' , 'Cal Mang' , 'Cal Oran' Calibrachoa 'Klec00073' , 'Cal Orang08' (PBR) , 'Cal Paicoras' (PBR) , 'Cal Peachy' (PBR) , 'Cal Pink' , 'Cal Pur' , 'Cal Pur07' (PBR) , 'Cal Roosall' (PBR) , 'Cal Rose' , 'Cal Rostar' , 'Cal Scare08' (PBR) , 'Cal Scared' (PBR) , 'Cal Scaredtwo' , 'Cal Sunre' (PBR) , 'Cal Whiroen' (PBR) , 'Cal White' , 'Cal Yel' , 'Cal Yell08' (PBR) , Calibrachoa Cabaret Red Improved = 'Balcabimred' (PBR) (Cabaret Series) , Calimor Brilliant Cherry = 'Dancalbril' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Dark Pink = 'Dancaldarpink' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Purple Red = 'Dancalpured' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Violet Blue = 'Dancalvioblue' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Yellow = 'Dancalyel' (Calimor Series) , 'Calipetite' , Callie Blue = 'Cal Bule' (Callie Series) , Callie Bright Red = 'Cal Britreeda' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Coral Pink = 'Cal Corink' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Cream with Eye = 'Cal Cremey' (PBR) , Callie Dark Blue = 'Darbule' (Callie Series) , Callie Deep Yellow = 'Cal Depyel' (PBR) , Callie Gold with Red Eye = 'Cal Goldey' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Ivory = 'Cal Ivory' (Callie Series) , Callie Lavender = 'Cal Laver' (Callie Series) , Callie Light Blue = 'Cal Litbule' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Light Blue '11 = 'Calpribul' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Light Lavender = 'Cal Litelaver' (Callie Series) , Callie Mango = 'Cal Mang' (Callie Series) , Callie Orange = 'Cal Oran' (Callie Series) , Callie Orange 08 = 'Cal Orang08' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Painted Coral = 'Cal Paicoras' (PBR) , Callie Peach = 'Cal Peachy' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Pink = 'Cal Pink' (Callie Series) , Callie Purple = 'Cal Pur' (Callie Series) , Callie Purple 07 = 'Cal Pur07' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Rose = 'Cal Rose' (Callie Series) , Callie Rose '06 = 'Cal Bulrose' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Rose 11 = 'Cal Roosa11' (Callie Series) , Callie Rose Star = 'Cal Rostar'(Callie Series) , Callie Scarlet Red = 'Cal Scared' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Scarlet Red 08 = 'Cal Scare08' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Star Pink = 'Cbrz0002' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Sunrise = 'Cal Sunre' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie White = 'Cal White' (Callie Series) , Callie White '11 = 'Calpriwi' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie White Rose Vein = 'Cal Whiroen' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Yellow = 'Cal Yel' (Callie Series) , Callie Yellow 08 = 'Cal Yell08' (PBR) (Callie Series) , 'Callye' (PBR) , 'Calpem' (PBR) , 'Calpribul' (PBR) , 'Calpriwi' (PBR) , 'Caltrablupu' (PBR) , 'Caltracaro' (PBR) , 'Caltradabl' (PBR) , 'Caltraelbu' (PBR) , 'Caltramipuvi' (PBR) , 'Caltrapi' (PBR) , 'Caltrarosan' (PBR) , 'Caltrarose' (PBR) , 'Calupdapuvi' (PBR) , 'Caluplivi' (PBR) , 'Calupreche' (PBR) , 'Calwhipi' (PBR) , Can Can Primrose (Can-can Series) , Can-can Appleblossom (Can-can Series) , Can-can Apricot = 'Balcanapt' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Black Cherry (Can-can Series) , Can-can Coral Reef = 'Balcanoree' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Blue (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Dark Yellow (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Magenta (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Provence Blue (Can-can Series) , Can-can Hot Pink Star = 'Balcanosar' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Mocha = 'Balcanoa' (PBR) (Can-can Series) , Can-can Neon Pink = 'Balcaneoni' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Orange = 'Balcanoran' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Rose Star = 'Balcanrost' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Strawberry = 'Balcanerry' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Terracotta = 'Balcantera' (Can-can Series) , 'Carillon Apricot Vein' (Carillon Series) , 'Carillon Blue' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Burgundy = 'Sk9-354' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Carmine Red = 'Sk9-151' , Carillon Lemon (Carillon Series) , Carillon Lemon (Carillon Series) , Carillon Lilac Pink = 'K7-1133' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Peach (Carillon Apricot Vein) = 'Sk9-424' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Red = 'Sk7-1155' (Carillon Series) , 'Carillon Rose' (Carillon Series) , Carillon White (Carillon Series) , 'Carillon Yellow' (Carillon Series) , 'Cbrz0002' (PBR) , 'Cbrz0005' (PBR) , 'Cbrz0006' (PBR) , 'Cbrz0007' (PBR) , 'Cczye01-0' , Celebration Blue = 'Wesviolet' (PBR) , Celebration Carnival Mixed (Celebration Series) , Celebration Deep Red = 'Wescacherryno' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Double Pink = 'Wescadopi' (PBR) (Celebration Series) (d) , Celebration Fire = 'Wescafire' (Celebration Series) , Celebration Indigo = 'Wescain' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Lemon Ice = 'Wescalei' , Celebration Orient Mixed (Celebration Series) , Celebration Pink = 'Wespink' (PBR) , Celebration Plum = 'Wescaplum' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Purple Veined Improved = 'Wescapurve' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Raspberry = 'Wescarasp' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Red = 'Wescacherry' (PBR) , Celebration Rose = 'Wescarose' (PBR) , Celebration Salmon = 'Wescasal' (Celebration Series) , Celebration Silver Blue = 'Wescaice' , Celebration Snowball = 'Wescasnow' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Spring Mixed (Celebration Series) , Celebration Star Orange = 'Wescasto' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Star Pink = 'Wescastpi' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Star Purple = 'Wescastpur' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Sun = 'Wescasun' , Celebration White = 'Wescawhite' , Cherry Pink = 'Selchepi' , Colorburst Pro Gold = 'Kakegawa S86' , Colorburst Trailing Pure White Improved = 'Kakegawa S85' , 'Crackerjack' ,
D 'Dancalbril' , 'Dancaldarpink' , 'Dancalpured' , 'Dancalvioblue' , 'Dancalyel' , 'Dannoa35' , 'Dannoa39' , 'Danoa36' , 'Danoa37' , 'Danoa38' (PBR) , 'Danoa44' , 'Danoa49' (PBR) , 'Danoa52' , 'Danoa53' (PBR) , 'Danoa60' (PBR) , 'Danoa86' (PBR) , 'Dark Blue' , 'Deep Rose' , Dream Kisses Deep Red (PBR) , Dream Kisses Orange Sunset = 'Wescaosu' (PBR) (Dream Kisses Series) , 'Duealapri' (PBR) , 'Duealbrired' (PBR) , 'Duealbusky' (PBR) , 'Duealcayel' (PBR) , 'Duealcher' (PBR) , 'Duealdublav' (PBR) , 'Duealdubstra' (PBR) , 'Duealfir' (PBR) , 'Duealgo' (PBR) , 'Duealhotor' (PBR) , 'Duealkocher' (PBR) , 'Duealkodalav' (PBR) , 'Duealkodare' (PBR) , 'Duealkohopi' (PBR) , 'Duealkomand' (PBR) , 'Duealkomango' (PBR) , 'Duealkomidbu' (PBR) , 'Duealkop14' (PBR) , 'Duealkospi' (PBR) , 'Duealkotisop' (PBR) , 'Duealkotrubu' (PBR) , 'Duealkowi' (PBR) , 'Duealmidpu' (PBR) , 'Duealminipu' (PBR) , 'Duealne011' (PBR) , 'Duealne11 , 'Duealneon' (PBR) , 'Duealneon9' (PBR) , 'Duealor' (PBR) , 'Duealpi' (PBR) , 'Duealpivu' (PBR) , 'Duealpur' (PBR) , 'Duealpursky' (PBR) , 'Duealred' (PBR) , 'Duealrow' (PBR) , 'Duealroywi' (PBR) , 'Duealtigold' (PBR) , 'Duealtihotpi' (PBR) , 'Duealtily' (PBR) , 'Duealtiman' (PBR) , 'Duealtineo' (PBR) , 'Duealtinice' (PBR) , 'Duealtior' (PBR) , 'Duealtipi' (PBR) , 'Duealtisal' (PBR) , 'Duealtisopi' (PBR) , 'Duealtistraw' (PBR) , 'Duealyel' (PBR) , 'Duehulcher' (PBR) , 'Duehulgo' (PBR) , 'Duehulhop' (PBR) , 'Duehulor' (PBR) , 'Duevolgo' (PBR) ,
F Ficallinlightb' (PBR) , 'Ficallinpi' (PBR) , 'Ficallinpur' (PBR) , 'Ficallinred' (PBR) , 'Ficallinwhi' (PBR) , 'Ficallinyel' (PBR) , 'Filindura Pink' (PBR) , 'Filindura Red' , 'Filindura Trailing Ink' , 'Filindura Trailing Rose' , 'Filindura White' (PBR) , 'Filindura Yellow' ,
G Ggg Sweet Bells Appleblossom = 'Sumcali 01' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Blueberry = 'Sumcali 02' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Raspberry = 'Sumcali 03' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Snowberry = 'Sumcali07' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Wineberry = 'Sumcali06' (PBR) ,
I 'Illumination Blue' , 'Illumination Rose' , Improved Cherry = 'Sunbel Kopachipi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , 'Incaluhopi' (PBR) , 'Incalulila' (PBR) , 'Incaluwhit' (PBR) , Isabells Purple = 'Balcabpurim' (PBR) ,
K 'K7-1133' (Carillon Series) , Kabloom Deep Blue = 'Pas10203441' (Kabloom Series) , Kabloom Deep Pink = 'Pas1020305' (Kabloom Series) , Kabloom Series , Kabloom Series , Kabloom Terracotta (Kabloom Series) , Kabloom White = 'Pas1020307' (Kabloom Series) , 'Kakegawa S27' , 'Kakegawa S49' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S50' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S51' , 'Kakegawa S53' , 'Kakegawa S62' , 'Kakegawa S63' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S65' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S68' , 'Kakegawa S71' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S81' , 'Kakegawa S85' , 'Kakegawa S86' , 'Kiebellye' , 'Kiecabul' , 'Kiecadros' , 'Kiecared' , 'Kiecasal' , 'Kiecayel' , 'Klec00066' , 'Klec00070' , 'Klec00071' , 'Klec00072' , 'Klec00078' (PBR) , 'Klec01055' (PBR) , 'Klec01056' , 'Klec01057' , 'Klec01058' (PBR) , 'Klec01061' (PBR) , 'Klec01062' (PBR) , 'Klec01068' , 'Klec02004' , 'Klec020259' , 'Klec02059' , 'Klec02060' , 'Klec02070' , 'Klec02072' , 'Klec02073' (PBR) , 'Klec03074' (PBR) , 'Klec03085' , 'Klec03085' , 'Klec03092' , 'Klec03094' , 'Klec1064' , 'Klec99082' , 'Klec99r14' , 'Kleca05101' (PBR) , 'Kleca05102' , 'Kleca05115' (PBR) , 'Kleca05116' , 'Kleca06098' (PBR) , 'Kleca06120' (PBR) , 'Kleca06123' , 'Kleca06124' (PBR) , 'Kleca06126' , 'Kleca07112' (PBR) , 'Kleca07145' (PBR) , 'Kleca07146' (PBR) , 'Kleca07153' (PBR) , 'Kleca07154' (PBR) , 'Kleca07160' (PBR) (d) , 'Kleca07162' , 'Kleca08158' (PBR) , 'Kleca08164' , 'Kleca08167' (PBR) , 'Kleca08170' (PBR) , 'Kleca08178' (PBR) , 'Kleca08182' , 'Kleca08187' (PBR) , 'Kleca09172' (PBR) , 'Kleca09204' (PBR) , 'Kleca09206' , 'Kleca09207' (PBR) , 'Kleca09208' (PBR) , 'Kleca09210' , 'Kleca10211' (PBR) , 'Kleca10216' (PBR) , 'Kleca10218' (PBR) , 'Kleca10219' (PBR) , 'Kleca10220' (PBR) , 'Kleca11225' (PBR) , 'Kleca11227' (PBR) , 'Kleca12233' (PBR) , 'Kleca12234' (PBR) , 'Kleca12235' (PBR) , 'Kleca12236' (PBR) , 'Kleca13224' (PBR) , 'Kleca13242' (PBR) , 'Kleca13244' (PBR) , 'Kleca13247' (PBR) , 'Kleca13250' (PBR) , 'Kleca13251' (PBR) , 'Kleca13255' (PBR) , 'Kleca13259' (PBR) , 'Kleia06126' ,
L 'Lazcal0901' (PBR) , 'Lazcal0906' (PBR) , 'Lazcal0915' (PBR) , 'Lazcal0918' (PBR) , 'Lazzpersema' , Lemon = 'Kleca08167' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , 'Light Yellow' , Lindura Light Blue = 'Ficallinlightb' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Pink = 'Ficallinpi' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Purple = 'Ficallinpur' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Red = 'Ficallinred' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Trailing Rose = 'Illumination Rose 2' (Lindura Series) , Lindura White = 'Ficallinwhi' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Yellow = 'Ficallinyel' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , 'Liricashower White with Blush' ,
M Mille Baci Blue = 'Lazcal0918' (PBR) , Mille Baci Scarlet = 'Lazcal0906' (PBR) , Mille Baci White = 'Lazcal0901' (PBR) , Million Bells Antique Rose = 'Sunbelpisupu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Apricot = 'Sunbelapu' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Blue = 'Sunbelbu' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Blue 08 = 'Sunbelkopabu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Blue Star = 'Sunbelbusta' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Gold = 'Sunbel 8571' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Pink = 'Suncalpink' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Red = 'Suncalred' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Wine Red = 'Suncalwine' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Yellow Eye = 'Sunbel 0778' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Brilliant Pink = 'Suncalpi' (PBR) , Million Bells Cherry = 'Sunbelchipi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Cherry Pink = 'Uscal91001' (PBR) , Million Bells Cherry Red = 'Sunbelrichipi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Chiffon = 'Suncalsifopi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Chiffon Blue = 'Suncalsifobu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Cosmos Pink = 'Sunbelkos' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Cosmos Pink Improved = 'Suncalcos' , Million Bells Crackling Fire = 'Sunbelfire' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Creeping Pink = 'Sunbelrikupi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Flamingo = 'Sunbelflam' (PBR) , Million Bells Golden Terracotta = 'Sunbelsoil' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Hot Pink = 'Sunbelhopi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Lavender = 'Sunbellabu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Lemon 06 = 'Sunbelkic' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Lime = 'Sunbelremo' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Mounding Red = 'Sunbelrireni' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Neon Yellow 08 = 'Sunbelrem' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Orange Glow = 'Sunbelore' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Peaches 'n' Cream = 'Sunbelkupichi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Pink = 'Sunbelpi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Pink Morn = 'Sunbelkupapi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Pink Terracotta = 'Sunbelrikist' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Plum = 'Sunbelkopawai' (PBR) , Million Bells Pure Yellow = 'Sunbelriki' (PBR) , Million Bells Red = 'Sunbelre' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Royal Red = 'Sunbelsu' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Salmon = 'Sunbelpapi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Salsa = 'Sunbelnero' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Terracotta = 'Kiebellye' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Terracotta = 'Sunbelkist' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Blue = 'Sunbelkubu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Coral Glow = 'Sunbelkurop' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Cream = 'Suncalkucrem' (PBR) , Million Bells Trailing Fuchsia = 'Sunbelrkup' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Ice = 'Sunbelkuriho' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Lavender Vein = 'Sunbelbura' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Lemon (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Pink = 'Sunbelkupi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Pink = 'Sunbelkupi 2003' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Plum = 'Sunbelkufepi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Red (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Silver Blue = 'Sunbelkulave' (PBR) , Million Bells Trailing Sky Blue = 'Sunbel Kukosubu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Soft Pink = 'Sunbelkuopi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Topaz = 'Sunbelrikubu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing White = 'Sunbelkuho' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Yellow = 'Suncalkuki' (PBR) , Million Bells White = 'Sunbelho' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells White = 'Suncalho' (Million Bells Series) , Minifamous Apricot + Eye = 'Kleca10211' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Compact Blue = 'Kleca12236' (PBR) , Minifamous Compact Double Yellow = 'Kleca08182' (Minifamous Series) (d) , Minifamous Compact Purple = 'Kleca10218' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Coral + Eye = 'Kleca07146' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Dark Blue = 'Klec02070' , Minifamous Dark Violet = 'Klec020259' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Dark Violet = 'Klec02059' , Minifamous Double Amethyst = 'Kleca09208' (PBR) , Minifamous Double Blue = 'Kleca07162' (Minifamous Series) (d) , Minifamous Double Blush Pink = 'Kleca08164' (Minifamous Series) , 'Minifamous Double Flame' (d) , Minifamous Double Hot Pink = 'Kleca09207' (PBR) , Minifamous Double Lavender (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Lemon = 'Kleca09204' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Magenta = 'Kleca12233' (PBR) , Minifamous Double Nostalgia (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Orange = 'Kleca09206' (Minifamous Series) (d) , Minifamous Double Pink = 'Kleca06126' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Pink = 'Kleia06126' , Minifamous Double Pink = 'Kleia06126' , Minifamous Double Pink Vein = 'Kleca12234' (PBR) , Minifamous Lavender = 'Klec02060' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Lavender Blue = 'Kleca08170' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , 'Minifamous Light Pink + Eye = 'Kleca10216' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Midnight Blue = 'Kleca08178' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Neo White = 'Kleca12235' (PBR) , Minifamous Orange = 'Klec03074' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Peach = 'Kleca07154' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Purple = 'Kleca09210' , Minifamous Red = 'Klec02072' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Royal Blue = 'Kleca07112' (PBR) , Minifamous Tangerine = 'Kleca08187' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Vampire = 'Kleca09172' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Yellow = 'Klec03085' ,
N Neon Yellow 08 = 'Sunbelcrem' (PBR) , Noa Almond Blossom = 'Danoa53' (PBR) , Noa Amber Star = 'Dannoa35' , Noa Dark Pink Carnival = 'Danoa49' (PBR) , Noa Double Pineapple = 'Danoa86' (PBR) , Noa Lemon (Noa Series) , Noa Magenta (Noa Series) , Noa Mango Eye = 'Danoa36' (Noa Series) , Noa Mega Magenta = 'Dannoa39' , Noa Mega Pink = 'Danoa38' (PBR) (Noa Series) , Noa Orange Eye (Noa Series) , Noa Peach = 'Danoa44' , Noa Series , Noa Tangerine = 'Danoa52' , Noa Ultra Purple (Noa Series) , Noa Violet Glint , Noa Yellow = 'Danoa37' (Noa Series) ,
P 'Pas1020305' , 'Pas1020307' , 'Pas10203441' , 'Pas10203441' , Priviledged Antique Rose = 'Caltrarosan' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Blue Purple = 'Caltrablupu' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Blue Purple = 'Caltrablupu' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Cherry Red = 'Calupreche' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Dark Blue = 'Calupdapuvi' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Light Blue = 'Caluplivi' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Rose = 'Caltrarose' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Privileged Electric Burgundy = 'Caltraelba' (PBR) (Privileged Series) , Privileged Mid Blue = 'Caltramipuvi' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Privileged Peach Melba , Privileged Series , Privileged White with Pink Ring (Privileged Series) ,
R 'Rosaly' , 'Rosestar' ,
S 'Sakcal070' , 'Sakcal072' (PBR) , 'Sakcal074' , 'Sakcal075' (PBR) , 'Sakcal076' (PBR) , 'Sakcal077' (PBR) , 'Sakcal078' (PBR) , 'Sakcal092' (PBR) , 'Sakcal094' (PBR) , 'Sakcal095' (PBR) , 'Sakcal096' (PBR) , 'Sakcal098' (PBR) , 'Sakcal099' (PBR) , 'Sakcal104' (PBR) , 'Sakcal105' (PBR) , 'Sakcal106' (PBR) , 'Sakcal107' (PBR) , 'Sakcal108' (PBR) , 'Sakcal110' (PBR) , 'Selchepi' , Selecta Dark Blue = 'Klec00070' , Selecta Dark Fuchsia = 'Klec00078' (PBR) , Selecta Lemon = 'Klec01056' , Selecta Red = 'Klec00072' , Selecta Sun Yellow = 'Klec01057' , Selecta Yellow Lilac Star = 'Klec00066' , 'Silver Blue' , 'Sk7-1155' , 'Sk9-151' , 'Sk9-354' , 'Soft Pink' , Spring Fling Blue = 'Kiecabul' , Spring Fling Red = 'Kiecared' , Spring Fling Rose = 'Kiecadros' , Spring Fling Salmon = 'Kiecasal' , Spring Fling Yellow = 'Kiecayel' , Starlette Sunset = '01c-j-4' , Starlette Sunset = '01c-j-4' , 'Starlight Blue' , 'Starlight Pink' , 'Sumcali 01' (PBR) , 'Sumcali 02' (PBR) , 'Sumcali 03' (PBR) , 'Sumcali06' (PBR) , 'Sumcali07' (PBR) , 'Sumcali09' (PBR) , 'Sunbel 0778' (PBR) , 'Sunbel 8571' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Kopachipi' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Kukosubu' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Orange' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Orange' (PBR) , 'Sunbelapri' , 'Sunbelapu' , 'Sunbelbu' , 'Sunbelbura' (PBR) , 'Sunbelbusta' (PBR) , 'Sunbelchipi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelcrem' (PBR) , 'Sunbelfire' , 'Sunbelflam' (PBR) , 'Sunbelho' (PBR) , 'Sunbelhopi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelki' , 'Sunbelkic' , 'Sunbelkist' , 'Sunbelkopabu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkopawai' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkos' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkubu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkufepi' , 'Sunbelkuho' , 'Sunbelkulave' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkuopi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkupapi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , 'Sunbelkupi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkupi 2003' , 'Sunbelkupichi' , 'Sunbelkuriho' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkurop' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkusubu' , 'Sunbellabu' (PBR) , 'Sunbells Peach' , Sunbells Pineapple = 'Sunbelki' , 'Sunbelnero' (PBR) , 'Sunbelore' , 'Sunbelpapi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelpi' , 'Sunbelpisupu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelre' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrem' , 'Sunbelremo' , 'Sunbelriapu' , 'Sunbelrichipi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelriki' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrikist' , 'Sunbelrikubu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrikupi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrireni' , 'Sunbelsoil' , 'Sunbelsu' , 'Suncalcos' , 'Suncalho' , 'Suncalkucrem' (PBR) , 'Suncalkuki' (PBR) , 'Suncalpapu' , 'Suncalpi' (PBR) , 'Suncalpink' (PBR) , 'Suncalred' (PBR) , 'Suncalsifobu' (PBR) , 'Suncalsifopi' , 'Suncalwine' (PBR) , Superbells Amarena = 'Uscal33703' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Apricot Punch = 'Uscali41308' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Banana Chocolate (Superbells Series) , Superbells Blueberry Punch (Superbells Series) , Superbells Candy White = 'Uscali48' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cherry Blossom = 'Uscali212-1' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cherry Punch (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cherry Star (Superbells Series) , Superbells Coral = 'Uscali214-1' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Coralberry Punch = 'Uscal66501' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cream = 'Uscal15801' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Double Rose = 'Us08cj0202' (PBR) (Superbells Series) (d) , Superbells Double Ruby = 'Uscal83901' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Dreamsicle = 'Uscali411-7' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Gold (Superbells Series) , Superbells Grape Punch = 'Uscal84704' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Imperial Purple = 'Uscali100' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Indigo = 'Uscali51' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Lemon Slice = 'Uscal5302m' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Light Pink = 'Uscali67' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Magenta = 'Uscali17' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Orange = 'Uscali41109' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Pink = 'Uscali11' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Pomegranate Punch = 'Uscal08501' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Raspberry = 'Uscali40702' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Red = 'Uscali28' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Red Devil (PBR) , Superbells Royal Blue = 'Uscali4' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Saffron = 'Uscali413-4' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Scarlet = 'Uscali411-12' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Strawberry Pink = 'Uscali47' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Strawberry Punch = 'Uscal58205' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Tickled Pink = 'Uscali223-1' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Trailing Blue = 'Caltradabl' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Trailing Rose = 'Caltrapi' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Voodoo = 'Uscali99M' (Superbells Series) , Superbells White (2002) = 'Uscali6' (Superbells Series) , Superbells White (2007) = 'Uscal1651' (Superbells Series) , Superbells White Improved = 'Uscali386-2' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Yellow = 'Uscal53002' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Yellow Chiffon = 'Uscal402-1' (Superbells Series) , Sweetheart Light Pink = 'Klec01062' (PBR) , Sweetheart White = 'Klec1064' ,
T 'Trailing Peach Melba' ,
U 'Us08cj0202' (PBR) , 'Uscal08501' (PBR) , 'Uscal12202' (PBR) , 'Uscal1413-8' , 'Uscal15801' , 'Uscal1651' , 'Uscal33703' (PBR) , 'Uscal402-1' , 'Uscal41109' (PBR) , 'Uscal41308' (PBR) , 'Uscal41702' (PBR) , 'Uscal42201' (PBR) , 'Uscal53002' (PBR) , 'Uscal5302m' (PBR) , 'Uscal54201' (PBR) , 'Uscal58205' , 'Uscal66501' , 'Uscal83901' (PBR) , 'Uscal84704' , 'Uscal91001' (PBR) , 'Uscali100' (PBR) , 'Uscali11' (PBR) , 'Uscali1651' (PBR) , 'Uscali17' (PBR) , 'Uscali212-1' , 'Uscali214-1' , 'Uscali223-1' , 'Uscali28' (PBR) , 'Uscali386-2' , 'Uscali4' (PBR) , 'Uscali40702' , 'Uscali41109' , 'Uscali411-12' , 'Uscali411-7' , 'Uscali41308' , 'Uscali413-4' , 'Uscali47' , 'Uscali48' (PBR) , 'Uscali51' (PBR) , 'Uscali518-1' , 'Uscali6' , 'Uscali67' (PBR) , 'Uscali99M' ,
W 'Wescacham' (PBR) , 'Wescacherry' (PBR) , 'Wescacherryno' (PBR) , 'Wescacream' (PBR) , 'Wescadarkvio' , 'Wescadopi' (PBR) , 'Wescafire' , 'Wescaice' , 'Wescain' (PBR) , 'Wescalei' , 'Wescamagno' (PBR) , 'Wescamalve' (PBR) , 'Wescaosu' (PBR) , 'Wescaplum' (PBR) , 'Wescapurve' (PBR) , 'Wescarasp' (PBR) , 'Wescarose' (PBR) , 'Wescasal' , 'Wescasnow' (PBR) , 'Wescasto' (PBR) , 'Wescastpi' (PBR) , 'Wescastpur' (PBR) , 'Wescasun' , 'Wescawhite' , 'Wespink' (PBR) , 'Wesviolet' (PBR) ,
Y 'Yellow' ,
品種) BabyDollR ,'Daddy Series' , Dreams White , 【 (Grandiflora Series) 'Limoncello'】 , 'Hulahoop' , 【 (Limbo Gp Series) Limbo Gp Burgundy Picotee , Limbo Gp Rose Picotee , Limbo Gp Sky Blue 】 , 'Merlin Blue Morn' , 【 'Prism Sunshine' F1 Hybrid 】 , 【(Spreading Samba Series) 'Spreading Samba Burgundy' ,'Spreading Samba Red' , 'Spreading Samba Salmon' , 'Spreading Samba Pink' 】 , 'Sophistica Lime Bicolour' , 'Stormy Weather' , 'Superbissima' , Superbissima Grandiflora Mixed , Success!R , Supercascade Series , 'T&M's Global Grandiflora' F1 Hybrid , Ultra Series , 【クリーピア】
2 ペチュニア・フロリバンダ Petunia floribunda 中輪房咲き
品種) 'Carpet Blue Lace' , Double Bonanza , 'Double Madness Blue' , 【MadnessR Lavender Glow , MadnessR Merlot Mix , MadnessR Midnight , MadnessR Red , MadnessR Total Mixture , MadnessR Yellow 】 , 'Queen Bee' , Mirage Series , Pan-Barhat Rubine' F1 , Reflections Series 'Reflections' , Rose Vein , Sonja Series
3 ペチュニア・マルチフローラ Petunia multiflora 小輪多花
品種) 'Baby Duck' , 'Baccara Series' , 'Bonanza Series Mixed' , Carpet Series , 'Carpet Series Formula Mixed' , 'Celebrity Blue' , 'Celebrity Blue Cystal' , 'Celebrity Blue Ice' , 'Celebrity Burgundy' , 'Celebrity Burgundy Frost' , 'Celebrity Burgundy Star' , 'Celebrity Carmine' , 'Celebrity Chiffon Morn' , 'Celebrity Lilac' , 'Celebrity Lilac Morn' , 'Celebrity Mid Blue' , 'Celebrity Neon' , 'Celebrity Orchid Ice' , 'Celebrity Peach Ice' , 'Celebrity Pink' , 'Celebrity Pink Morn' , 'Celebrity Plum Ice' , 'Celebrity Raspberry Ice' , 'Celebrity Red' , 'Celebrity Red Morn' , 'Celebrity Rose' , 'Celebrity Rose Frost' , 'Celebrity Rose Star' , 'Celebrity Salmon' , 'Celebrity Scarlet' , 'Celebrity Sky Blue' , 'Celebrity Strawberry Ice' , 'Duo Peppermint' , 'Duo Salmon' , 'Duo Series Mixed' , 'Explorer Series Mixed' , formula mixed , 'Frenxy White' , 'Frenzy Blue' , 'Frenzy Blue Star' , 'Frenzy Blue Vein' , 'Frenzy Burgundy Star' , 'Frenzy Butter Cream' , 'Frenzy Carmine' , 'Frenzy Deep Dark Dawn' , 'Frenzy Grand Rapids' , Frenzy Grand Rapids mixed (Series) , 'Frenzy Lavender Glow' , 'Frenzy Lavender Vein' , 'Frenzy Light Blue' , 'Frenzy Light Salmon Vein' , 'Frenzy Lilac' , 'Frenzy Mid Blue' , Frenzy Morn mixed , 'Frenzy Orchid' , 'Frenzy Pink' , 'Frenzy Pink Morn' , 'Frenzy Plum Bicolour' , 'Frenzy Purple' , 'Frenzy Red' , 'Frenzy Red Frost' , 'Frenzy Red Morn' , 'Frenzy Red Star' , 'Frenzy Red Vein' , 'Frenzy Reflections' , 'Frenzy Rose' , 'Frenzy Rose Morn' , 'Frenzy Rose Star' , 'Frenzy Rose Vein' , 'Frenzy Salmon' , 'Frenzy Salmon Morn' , 'Frenzy Satin & Silk' , 'Frenzy Set the Fashion' , 'Frenzy Star' , 'Frenzy Velvet' , 'Frenzy Yellow' , 'Glistening Pearls' , 'Horizon Blackcurrant Sundae' , 'Horizon Blue' , 'Horizon Blueberry Sundae' , 'Horizon Bright Rose' , 'Horizon Coral Halo' , 'Horizon Deep Rose' , 'Horizon Flame' , 'Horizon Knickerbocker Glory' , 'Horizon Lavender' , 'Horizon Lavender Sunrise' , 'Horizon Light Salmon' , 'Horizon Midnight Blue' , 'Horizon Pink' , 'Horizon Raspberry Sundae' , 'Horizon Red' , 'Horizon Red Halo' , 'Horizon Rose Halo' , 'Horizon Ruby' , 'Horizon Salmon' , 'Horizon Series Formula Mixed' (Horizon Series) , 'Horizon Sky Blue' , 'Horizon Strawberry Sundae' , 'Horizon Sunlight' , 'Horizon White' , 'Horizon Yellow' , 'Hurrah Blue' , 'Hurrah Blue Veined' , 'Hurrah Carmine' , 'Hurrah Coral Flare' , 'Hurrah Lavender Tie Dye' , 'Hurrah Pink' , 'Hurrah Pink Chiffon' , 'Hurrah Pink Flare' , 'Hurrah Pink Veined' , 'Hurrah Plum' , 'Hurrah Red' , 'Hurrah Red Star' , 'Hurrah Rose' , 'Hurrah Rose Star' , 'Hurrah Salmon' , 'Hurrah Salmon Chiffon' , 'Hurrah Salmon Veined' , Hurrah Series , 'Hurrah Velvet' , 'Hurrah White' , 'Kanon Blue' , 'Kanon Carmine' , 'Kanon Red' , 'Kanon White' , 'Kanon Yellow' , 'Madness Series' (many colours). , 'Mambno Sweet Pink' , 'Mambo Blue' , 'Mambo Deep Purple' , Mambo Gp Mid Blue (Mambo Gp Series) , Mambo Gp Orchid Veined (Mambo Gp Series) , 'Mambo Pink' , 'Mambo Purple' , 'Mambo Red' , 'Mambo Rose' , 'Mambo Salmon' , 'Mambo Violet' , 'Mambo White' , 'Merlin Blue' , 'Merlin Blue Picotee' , 'Merlin Burgundy Picotee' , 'Merlin Cherry Rose' , 'Merlin Light Salmon' , 'Merlin Magenta' , 'Merlin Morn Mixed' , 'Merlin Picotee Mixed' , 'Merlin Pink Improved' , 'Merlin Pink Vein' , 'Merlin Plum Vein' , 'Merlin Red' , 'Merlin Red Picotee' , 'Merlin Rose' , 'Merlin Rose Picotee' , 'Merlin Salmon' , 'Merlin Series Mixed' , 'Merlin White' , 'Mini Bella Picotee Mixed' , 'Mirage Midnight' , 'Mirage Reflections Mixed' , Mirage Series , 'Mirage Series Mixed' , 'Nuvolari Dusty Morn' , 'Nuvolari Harlequin Rose' , 'Nuvolari Pastel Pink' , 'Nuvolari Purple' , 'Nuvolari Red' , 'Nuvolari White' , 'Opera Supreme Blue' , 'Opera Supreme Lilac Ice' , 'Opera Supreme Pink' , 'Opera Supreme Pink Morn' , 'Opera Supreme Purple' , 'Opera Supreme White' , 'Pink Lady' , 'Plum Crystals' , 'Prime Time Blue' , 'Prime Time Blue Star' , 'Prime Time Burgundy' , 'Prime Time Burgundy Star' , 'Prime Time Carmine' , 'Prime Time Lavender' , 'Prime Time Light Blue' , 'Prime Time Mid Blue' , 'Prime Time Pink' , 'Prime Time Pink Morn' , 'Prime Time Pink Vein' , 'Prime Time Red' , 'Prime Time Red Frost' , 'Prime Time Red Star' , 'Prime Time Red Vein' , 'Prime Time Rose' , 'Prime Time Rose Frost' , 'Prime Time Rose Star' , 'Prime Time Series Formula Mixed' (Prime Time Series) , 'Shock Wave Buzz' , 'Shock Wave Electric' , 'Shock Wave Ivory' , 'Shock Wave Pink Shades' , 'Shock Wave Pink Vein' , 'Shock Wave Purple' , 'Shock Wave Rose'
4 ペチュニア・ミリフローラ Petunia milliflora 極小輪、
.品種) 'Fantasy Series' , 'Fantasy' F1 Hybrid , 'Fantasy Mix' , 'Fantasy Salmon' , PicobellaR Rose Star , 'Supertunia Mini Series' (blue, pink, lilac, purple and white)
5 ペチュニア・ヘッジフローラ Petunia hedgiflora (spreading petunia , ground-cover petunia)
品種) 'Purple Wave' [最初のspreading type、高さ10㎝] , 'Opera Supreme' , Easy WaveR 'White F1' , 'Surfinia' , 'Tidal Wave'Tidal Wave Cherry F1 , Tidal Wave Silver F1 , WaveR,
6 ペチュニア・カスケード Petunia cascading (pendulous-stemmed varieties useful in hanging baskets or as ground covers).
品種) 'Cascade Pink Orchid Mist' F1 Hybrid ,'Cascading' , Grandiflora Double Petunia , 'Martha Washington' , Miracle-Gro , 'Super Cascade Improved' F1 Hybrid, 【(サフィニア Surfinia Series) 'Giant' P, 'Lime' P, 'Moonlight Eclipse' P, 'Blue Vein', 'Burgundi', 'Dark Violet', 'Deep Red', 'Hot Pink', 'Pink Vein', 'Purple', 'Victoria Yellow' and 'White'.】
7 カリブラコア属 以前はペチュニア属に含まれていた。
Calibrachoa × hybrida カリブリコア(カリブリコアハイブリッド)
8 ペチュニア属×カリブラコア属
スーパーカルⓇシリーズ ピンクスプラッシュライトピンク 淡色の花がある
Petunia axillaris List of Fact Sheets|Glossary
Solanaceae Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell.
Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zurich 60: 361 1915
Calibrachoa parviflora
Biogeographical history and diversification of Petuniaand Calibrachoa (Solanaceae)
in the Neotropical Pampas grassland
A new subspecies of Calibrachoa from Argentina and Brazil is described and ilustrated:
Calibrachoa pubescens (Spreng.) Stehmann,
農林水産省 H29年9月
カリブラコア属はペチュニア属に含められていたが、遺伝子研究により、染色体数が異なり、2005年にペチュニア属から分けられることになった。カリブラコア属は 2n = 18 , ペチュニア属 は 2n = 14 である。カリブラコア属の園芸種はCalibrachoa × hybrida カリブリコアハイブリッドがほとんどである。日本のサントリーが1980年代にハイブリッドを作り出し、1990年代に最初の園芸種(Million BellsR serie Suntory 1992)が出されたのがきっかけとなっている。現在では非常に多くの園芸種が作り出されている。また、カリブラコア属とペチュニア属とのハイブリッドも作り出されている。
family: Solanaceae - genus Petunia草本、普通、腺毛がある。茎は直立又は寄りかかり、分枝する。葉は葉柄があり、単葉、全縁。花は単生、腋生し、やや、放射相称。咢は筒状鐘形、5深裂する。花冠は漏斗形又は高坏(たかつき)形、花冠筒部は上側で次第に膨れる。花冠は浅く5裂、裂片は短く、先は円形又は短く尖る。雄しべは花冠筒部につき、突き出ない。花糸は細い。葯は縦に裂開する。花盤には蜜腺があり、全縁又は分裂する。子房は2室。柱頭は不明瞭に2裂。胚珠は多数。果実は乾き、2バルブの蒴果。種子は小さく、類球形又は卵形、網状の穴がある。胚はわずかに曲がるか又は直立する。 2n = 2x = 14、x(haploid number)=7
Petunia altiplana Ando & Hashimoto 多年草、茎が平伏、花が赤紫色
Petunia axillaris (Lam.) Britton, Stern & Poggenb. 花が大形、白色
Petunia bajeensis T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia bonjardinensis Ando & Hashimoto
Petunia exserta J.R. Stehm. in Napaea 鳥媒花
Petunia guarapuavensis T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia inflata R.E. Fr. 花が小形、紫色
Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell. 花が紫色
Petunia interior T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia littoralis L.B. Sm. & Downs
Petunia occidentalis R.E. Fr.
Petunia patagonica Millan
Petunia reitzii L.B. Sm. & Downs
Petunia riograndensis T. Ando & Hashim.
Petunia saxicola L.B. Sm. & Downs
Petunia scheideana L.B. Sm. & Downs
1 Petunia axillaris (Lam.) Britton, Stern & Poggenb (white Petunia)synonym Petunia nyctaginiflora
英名は large white petunia , night-scented petunia
1年草又は短命の多年草。茎は直立又は傾伏。葉は卵形~楕円形。葉身は長さ2~7㎝、下部の葉は互生し、葉柄はがある。上部の葉はやや対生、無柄又はほとんど無柄、茎の上部では小さくなる。花柄は長さ2~4㎝。咢は長さ10~20㎜、咢片は長楕円形。花冠は白色、花冠筒部は倒円錐形、長さ30~45㎜。舷部(拡大部 limb)は車形~広星形、直径40~60㎜、、裂片は円形。雄しべは長さ10~15㎜。葯は長さ2~3㎜。花柱は長さ20~30㎜直立。蒴果は円錐形、鈍形、長さ8~12㎜、咢裂片から突き出ないか又は短く突き出る。種子は球形又はやや角(かど)があり、直径0.6㎜、淡褐色。
品種) 'Dynastie Bleu Fonce' , 'Silver Dragon'
3 Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell.
synonym Petunia. violacea Lindl
英名は violet-flowered petunia , violet petunia
4 Petunia inflata R.E. Fr. i (violet Petunias).
synonym Petunia integrifolia subsp. inflata Wijsman
5 Petunia altiplana T. Ando et Hashim .ペチュニア・アルチプラーナ
synonym Petunia integrifolia subsp. depauperata
6 Petunia ×atkinsiana (Sweet) D. Don ex W. H. Baxter ペチュニア(ツクバネアサガオ)
synonym Petunia x hybrida (Hook.f.) Vilm. ( P. axillaris × P. integrifolia)
common garden petunia , garden petunia , petunia
普通に栽培されているペチュニア。Petunia axillarisrと Petunia integrifoliaとPetunia inflata(Petunia integrifoliaの亜種ともされる)との交雑種。
品種) 'Storm Pink' , Mirage Series , Carpet Series , 'Storm Salmon' , 'Storm Lavender' , 'Storm Pink' Carpet Series Mirage Series 'Storm Salmon' 'Storm Lavender' , ‘Purple Wave’ , ‘Tidal Wave’, Carpet Series[AGM , 'Caschamp'[AGM] , 'Charlie's Angels Charlie'[AGM] , 'Conblue'[AGM] , 'Conglow'[AGM] , 'Constraw'[AGM] , 'Dancasye'[AGM] , 'Keilavbu'[AGM] , Mirage Series[AGM] , 'Petitunia Happy Dream'[AGM] , 'Shihi Brilliant'[AGM] , 'Storm Lavender'[AGM] , 'Storm Salmon'[AGM] , 'Storm Pink'[AGM] , 'Sunpurve'[AGM] , 'Suntosol'[AGM] , 【(Surfinia Trailing Series) Blue Veined , Brilliant Pink , Deep Red , Pink Veined , Rose Veined , Sky Blue , Trailing Heavenly Blue , White 】=サフィニア'Surfinia (多花性)サントリーと京成バラ園芸 , Carpet Series , Mirage Serie , 桃色吐息
遺伝子組換えペチュニア品種) 農林水産省が花の写真を掲載している回収の必要があるもの
(第1報)平成29年5月 4品種の写真公表
African Sunset=F1オレンジクイーン , Pegasus Orange Morn , Pegasus Orange , Pegasus Table Orange , Go!tunia Orange , Potunia plus Papaya , Bonnie Orange , Sanguna Patio Salmon , Sanguna Salmon , F1ディーバマンゴー , F1ディーバレッド ,F1ディーバディープパープル ,
(第2)平成29年5月 10品種
ほおべに、くちべに、 うすべに姫、ほおべに姫、穂希、イエローマジック、 セブンティーン、深紅のつばさ、 サーモンマジック、ミランダ
(第3報)平成29年9月 36品種
朝倉ろまん , 朝倉ろまんレッド , 朝倉ろまんミステリー , アモーレミオ , アリーレッド , あんずちゃん , 植えっぱ苗ペチュニア ビビットオレンジ , 植えっぱ苗ペチュニア ビビットスカーレット , 植えっぱ苗ペチュニア花びらラブ , ガーデンレディコレクション ペチュニアピーチ(サーモンレイ) , キャンディーペチュニア サンシャインピンク , 小玉すいか , 桜もち , サフィニアアートピーチ , スーパーチュニアローズリップ , ストロベリージェラート , 流れ星カシスオレンジ , 流れ星チェリーピンク , 這性ピンク , 紅あんず , ぽっちゃりピンク(折り鶴) , ほろよいレモン , ポンポン咲くペチュニア小花 レッドファイヤー , マリリンルージュ , マンダリン , メロンパン , 夕やけオレンジ , ヨコハマアプリコットファンデーション , ヨコハマクラシカルハーモニー , ヨコハマグランオーレ , ヨコハマジュエリーボックス , ヨコハマセンチュリーセレブレーション , ヨコハマピンクジュエリー , ヨコハマフルーツポンチ , ヨコハマレッドムーンライト , レモンちゃん
(第4報)平成29年12月 10品種
クレイジーチュニアイエローストライプ , クレイジーチュニアかわいいストライプ , グロー , サクラピンク , 一重オレンジストライプ , 一重レッドストライプ , ピンクスターダスト , フルーツパンチ , ペチュニア アモーレミオ , ペチュニア リトルチュニアレッドファイヤー
family: Solanaceae - genus Calibrachoaカリブラコア属はペチュニア属に入れられていたが、遺伝子研究により、染色体数が異なり、2005年にペチュニア属から分けられることになった。 (カリブラコア属は = 2n = 2x = 18 , ペチュニア属 = 2n = 2x = 14
1年草(Calibrachoa parviflora , Calibrachoa pygmea )又は短命の常緑多年草又は亜低木。1年草種と多年草種は交雑できない。1年草のCalibrachoa parviflora , Calibrachoa pygmeaは種子の表面の微細構造が異なり隔壁が波状。また、3種を除き、蜜蜂媒介の自家不和合(self-incompatible)である。Calibrachoa sendtneriana とCalibrachoa serrulataは鳥媒介、Calibrachoa pygmeaはスズメガ媒介である。腺毛がある。茎は平伏~傾伏して広がる性質があり、節から根を出す。腋生の枝は短く、葉が多い。葉は互生又は対生、±ほぼ無柄。花は小さいペチュニア型、直径2.5~3㎝。咢片は長さ3~6㎜、果時に11㎜以下、楕円形~狭倒卵形。花冠は漏斗形又は高坏(たかつき)形=トランペット形、長さ1.8~2.5㎝。
花が小さく、直径2.5~3㎝ ペチュニアは普通、この2~3倍。
Calibrachoa caesia (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa calycina (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa cordifolia Stehmann & L.W.Aguiar
Calibrachoa dusenii (R.E.Fr.) Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa eglandulata Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa elegans (Miers) Stehmann & Semir:花冠の周りに暗紫色の輪がある(atropurpurea)
Calibrachoa ericifolia (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa excellens (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman:花冠の周りに暗紫色の輪がある
Calibrachoa felipponei (Sandwith) Stehmann
Calibrachoa hassleriana (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa heterophylla (Sendtn.) Wijsman:花冠の周りに暗紫色の輪がある
Calibrachoa linearis (Hook.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa linoides (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa macrodactylon (Sm. & Downs) Wijsman
Calibrachoa micrantha (R.E.Fr.) Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa missionica Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa paranensis (Dusen) Wijsman
Calibrachoa parviflora (Juss.) D'Arcy :self-compatible , 1年草、Calibrachoa pygmea以外と交雑不可。花は小輪
Calibrachoa pubescens (Spreng.) Stehmann:花冠に網目の脈がある
Calibrachoa pygmea (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman:1年草 , スズメガ媒花(hawkmoths)、Calibrachoa parviflora以外と交雑不可
Calibrachoa regnellii (R.E.Fr.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa rupestris (Dusen) Wijsman
Calibrachoa scabridula (C.V.Morton) Stehmann
Calibrachoa sellowiana (Sendtn.) Wijsman
Calibrachoa sendtneriana (R.E.Fr.) Stehmann & Semir:鳥媒花(melittophilous)hummingbird pollination
Calibrachoa serrulata (L.B.Sm. & Downs) Stehmann & Semir:鳥媒花hummingbird pollination
Calibrachoa spathulata (L.B.Sm. & Downs) Stehmann & Semir
Calibrachoa thymifolia (A.St.Hil.) Stehmann & Semir
1 Calibrachoa pubescens (Spreng.) Stehmannsynonym Calibrachoa humilis (R.E. Fr.) Stehmann & Semir
2 Calibrachoa parviflora (Juss.) D'Arcy ヒメツクバネアサガオ
synonym :Petunia parviflora Juss. ヒメツクバネアサガオ
Calibrachoa parviflora 'Wescacandy' (PBR)
3 Calibrachoa × hybrida カリブリコア(カリブリコアハイブリッド)
カリブリコアはヨーロッパには200年前に導入されていたが、そのポテンシャルを引き出すことができなかった。日本のサントリーが19980年代にハイブリッドを作り出し、1990年代に最初の園芸種(Million BellsR serie Suntory 1992)が出された。現在では非常に多くの園芸種が作り出されている。
英名はtrailing petunia , mini petunia , Million bells
多年草、しばしば1年草又は2年草。這って広がり、細かく多数分枝する。成長して高さ約7㎝、幅20~60㎝。葉は常緑、腺毛があり、粘り、淡緑色~オリーブ緑色、小さい披針状卵形、長さ2~3㎝、幅0.7㎝以下。花期は晩春~霜時、花は多数つき、夏に最も多い。花は小さく、直径2.5~3㎝、花冠は筒部があり、先が5裂し、裂片の縁は2裂し、蕾では花冠が捻じれる。色は単色、2色、クリーム色、黄色、橙黄色、キンレンカ色(nasturtium)、ブロンズ色、ピンク色、サーモンピンク色、マゼンタ色、チェリーレッド色、赤銅色(coppery red)、モーブ色、紫色、濃色の脈があり、のど部の底はしばしば黄色になる。ペチュニアやサフィニアより耐乾性が強い。サフィニアSurfiniasはカリブラコアとペチュニア(主にPetunia axillaris , Petunia integrifolia , Petunia violacea)との様々なハイブリッドである。
A '01c-j-4' ,
【 (Aloha Series) Aloha Double Lavender = 'Duealdublav' (PBR) , Aloha Double Strawberry = 'Duealdubstra' (PBR) , Aloha Gold = 'Duealgo' (PBR) , Aloha Hot Orange = 'Duealhotor' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Cherry = 'Duealkocher' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Madarin = 'Duealkomand' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Mango = 'Duealkomango' (PBR) , Aloha Kona Midnight Blue = 'Duealkomidbu' (PBR) , Aloha Midnight Purple = 'Duealmidpu' (PBR) , Aloha Neon 09 = 'Duealneon9' (PBR) , Aloha Neon 2011 = 'Duealne011' (PBR) , Aloha Purple = 'Duealpur' (PBR) , Aloha Purple Sky = 'Duealpursky' (PBR) (Aloha Series) , Aloha Red = 'Duealred' (PBR) , Aloha Red Fox , Aloha Royal White = 'Duealroywi' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Hot Pink = 'Duealtihotpi' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Lychee = 'Duealtily' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Mango = 'Duealtiman' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Orange = 'Duealtior' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Soft Pink = 'Duealtisopi' (PBR) , Aloha Tiki Strawberry = 'Duealtistraw' (PBR) , Aloha Yellow = 'Duealyel' (PBR) 】 ,
B Balcabango' , 'Balcabcher' (PBR) , 'Balcabdebu' (PBR) , 'Balcabdepy' (PBR) , 'Balcabhopi' (PBR) , 'Balcabimred' (PBR) , 'Balcablav' (PBR) , 'Balcablitpi' (PBR) , 'Balcabpea' (PBR) , 'Balcabpiken' (PBR) , 'Balcabplo' , 'Balcabpurim' (PBR) , 'Balcabpurp' , 'Balcabred' (PBR) , 'Balcabrite' (PBR) , 'Balcabrose' (PBR) , 'Balcabscar' (PBR) , 'Balcabwit' , 'Balcabwitim' (Cabaret Series) , 'Balcabyelow' (PBR) , 'Balcanapt' , 'Balcaneoni' , 'Balcanerry' (Can-can Series) , 'Balcanoa' (PBR) (Can-can Series) , 'Balcanoran' , 'Balcanoree' , 'Balcanosar' , 'Balcanrost' , Balcantera' ,
【(Cabaret Series) Cabaret Apricot = 'Balcabapt' , Cabaret Bright Red = 'Balcabrite' (PBR) , Cabaret Cherry Rose = 'Balcabcher' (PBR) , Cabaret Deep Blue = 'Balcabdebu' (PBR) , Cabaret Deep Yellow = 'Balcabdepy' (PBR) , Cabaret Hot Pink = 'Balcabhopi' (PBR) , Cabaret Lavender = 'Balcablav' (PBR) , Cabaret Light Pink = 'Balcablitpi' (PBR) , Cabaret Mango Tango = 'Balcabango' , Cabaret Peach = 'Balcabpea' (PBR) , Cabaret Pink Rose Vein = 'Balcabpiken' (PBR) , Cabaret Purple = 'Balcabpurp' , Cabaret Purple Glow = 'Balcabplo' , Cabaret Red = 'Balcabred' (PBR) , Cabaret Red Improved = 'Balcabimred' (PBR) ) , Cabaret Rose = 'Balcabrose' (PBR) , Cabaret Scarlet = 'Balcabscar' (PBR) , Cabaret White = 'Balcabwit' , Cabaret White Improved = 'Balcabwitim' , Cabaret Yellow = 'Balcabyelow' (PBR) , Cabaret Yellow Improved 】,
'Cal Britreeda' (PBR) , 'Cal Bule' , 'Cal Bulrose' (PBR) , 'Cal Corink' (PBR) , 'Cal Cremey' (PBR) , 'Cal Darbule' , 'Cal Depyel' (PBR) , 'Cal Goldey' (PBR) , 'Cal Ivory' , 'Cal Laver' , 'Cal Litbule' (PBR) , 'Cal Litelaver' , 'Cal Mang' , 'Cal Oran' Calibrachoa 'Klec00073' , 'Cal Orang08' (PBR) , 'Cal Paicoras' (PBR) , 'Cal Peachy' (PBR) , 'Cal Pink' , 'Cal Pur' , 'Cal Pur07' (PBR) , 'Cal Roosall' (PBR) , 'Cal Rose' , 'Cal Rostar' , 'Cal Scare08' (PBR) , 'Cal Scared' (PBR) , 'Cal Scaredtwo' , 'Cal Sunre' (PBR) , 'Cal Whiroen' (PBR) , 'Cal White' , 'Cal Yel' , 'Cal Yell08' (PBR) , Calibrachoa Cabaret Red Improved = 'Balcabimred' (PBR) (Cabaret Series) , Calimor Brilliant Cherry = 'Dancalbril' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Dark Pink = 'Dancaldarpink' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Purple Red = 'Dancalpured' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Violet Blue = 'Dancalvioblue' (Calimor Series) , Calimor Yellow = 'Dancalyel' (Calimor Series) , 'Calipetite' , Callie Blue = 'Cal Bule' (Callie Series) , Callie Bright Red = 'Cal Britreeda' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Coral Pink = 'Cal Corink' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Cream with Eye = 'Cal Cremey' (PBR) , Callie Dark Blue = 'Darbule' (Callie Series) , Callie Deep Yellow = 'Cal Depyel' (PBR) , Callie Gold with Red Eye = 'Cal Goldey' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Ivory = 'Cal Ivory' (Callie Series) , Callie Lavender = 'Cal Laver' (Callie Series) , Callie Light Blue = 'Cal Litbule' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Light Blue '11 = 'Calpribul' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Light Lavender = 'Cal Litelaver' (Callie Series) , Callie Mango = 'Cal Mang' (Callie Series) , Callie Orange = 'Cal Oran' (Callie Series) , Callie Orange 08 = 'Cal Orang08' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Painted Coral = 'Cal Paicoras' (PBR) , Callie Peach = 'Cal Peachy' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Pink = 'Cal Pink' (Callie Series) , Callie Purple = 'Cal Pur' (Callie Series) , Callie Purple 07 = 'Cal Pur07' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Rose = 'Cal Rose' (Callie Series) , Callie Rose '06 = 'Cal Bulrose' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Rose 11 = 'Cal Roosa11' (Callie Series) , Callie Rose Star = 'Cal Rostar'(Callie Series) , Callie Scarlet Red = 'Cal Scared' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Scarlet Red 08 = 'Cal Scare08' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Star Pink = 'Cbrz0002' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Sunrise = 'Cal Sunre' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie White = 'Cal White' (Callie Series) , Callie White '11 = 'Calpriwi' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie White Rose Vein = 'Cal Whiroen' (PBR) (Callie Series) , Callie Yellow = 'Cal Yel' (Callie Series) , Callie Yellow 08 = 'Cal Yell08' (PBR) (Callie Series) , 'Callye' (PBR) , 'Calpem' (PBR) , 'Calpribul' (PBR) , 'Calpriwi' (PBR) , 'Caltrablupu' (PBR) , 'Caltracaro' (PBR) , 'Caltradabl' (PBR) , 'Caltraelbu' (PBR) , 'Caltramipuvi' (PBR) , 'Caltrapi' (PBR) , 'Caltrarosan' (PBR) , 'Caltrarose' (PBR) , 'Calupdapuvi' (PBR) , 'Caluplivi' (PBR) , 'Calupreche' (PBR) , 'Calwhipi' (PBR) , Can Can Primrose (Can-can Series) , Can-can Appleblossom (Can-can Series) , Can-can Apricot = 'Balcanapt' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Black Cherry (Can-can Series) , Can-can Coral Reef = 'Balcanoree' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Blue (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Dark Yellow (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Magenta (Can-can Series) , Can-can Double Provence Blue (Can-can Series) , Can-can Hot Pink Star = 'Balcanosar' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Mocha = 'Balcanoa' (PBR) (Can-can Series) , Can-can Neon Pink = 'Balcaneoni' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Orange = 'Balcanoran' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Rose Star = 'Balcanrost' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Strawberry = 'Balcanerry' (Can-can Series) , Can-can Terracotta = 'Balcantera' (Can-can Series) , 'Carillon Apricot Vein' (Carillon Series) , 'Carillon Blue' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Burgundy = 'Sk9-354' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Carmine Red = 'Sk9-151' , Carillon Lemon (Carillon Series) , Carillon Lemon (Carillon Series) , Carillon Lilac Pink = 'K7-1133' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Peach (Carillon Apricot Vein) = 'Sk9-424' (Carillon Series) , Carillon Red = 'Sk7-1155' (Carillon Series) , 'Carillon Rose' (Carillon Series) , Carillon White (Carillon Series) , 'Carillon Yellow' (Carillon Series) , 'Cbrz0002' (PBR) , 'Cbrz0005' (PBR) , 'Cbrz0006' (PBR) , 'Cbrz0007' (PBR) , 'Cczye01-0' , Celebration Blue = 'Wesviolet' (PBR) , Celebration Carnival Mixed (Celebration Series) , Celebration Deep Red = 'Wescacherryno' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Double Pink = 'Wescadopi' (PBR) (Celebration Series) (d) , Celebration Fire = 'Wescafire' (Celebration Series) , Celebration Indigo = 'Wescain' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Lemon Ice = 'Wescalei' , Celebration Orient Mixed (Celebration Series) , Celebration Pink = 'Wespink' (PBR) , Celebration Plum = 'Wescaplum' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Purple Veined Improved = 'Wescapurve' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Raspberry = 'Wescarasp' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Red = 'Wescacherry' (PBR) , Celebration Rose = 'Wescarose' (PBR) , Celebration Salmon = 'Wescasal' (Celebration Series) , Celebration Silver Blue = 'Wescaice' , Celebration Snowball = 'Wescasnow' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Spring Mixed (Celebration Series) , Celebration Star Orange = 'Wescasto' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Star Pink = 'Wescastpi' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Star Purple = 'Wescastpur' (PBR) (Celebration Series) , Celebration Sun = 'Wescasun' , Celebration White = 'Wescawhite' , Cherry Pink = 'Selchepi' , Colorburst Pro Gold = 'Kakegawa S86' , Colorburst Trailing Pure White Improved = 'Kakegawa S85' , 'Crackerjack' ,
D 'Dancalbril' , 'Dancaldarpink' , 'Dancalpured' , 'Dancalvioblue' , 'Dancalyel' , 'Dannoa35' , 'Dannoa39' , 'Danoa36' , 'Danoa37' , 'Danoa38' (PBR) , 'Danoa44' , 'Danoa49' (PBR) , 'Danoa52' , 'Danoa53' (PBR) , 'Danoa60' (PBR) , 'Danoa86' (PBR) , 'Dark Blue' , 'Deep Rose' , Dream Kisses Deep Red (PBR) , Dream Kisses Orange Sunset = 'Wescaosu' (PBR) (Dream Kisses Series) , 'Duealapri' (PBR) , 'Duealbrired' (PBR) , 'Duealbusky' (PBR) , 'Duealcayel' (PBR) , 'Duealcher' (PBR) , 'Duealdublav' (PBR) , 'Duealdubstra' (PBR) , 'Duealfir' (PBR) , 'Duealgo' (PBR) , 'Duealhotor' (PBR) , 'Duealkocher' (PBR) , 'Duealkodalav' (PBR) , 'Duealkodare' (PBR) , 'Duealkohopi' (PBR) , 'Duealkomand' (PBR) , 'Duealkomango' (PBR) , 'Duealkomidbu' (PBR) , 'Duealkop14' (PBR) , 'Duealkospi' (PBR) , 'Duealkotisop' (PBR) , 'Duealkotrubu' (PBR) , 'Duealkowi' (PBR) , 'Duealmidpu' (PBR) , 'Duealminipu' (PBR) , 'Duealne011' (PBR) , 'Duealne11 , 'Duealneon' (PBR) , 'Duealneon9' (PBR) , 'Duealor' (PBR) , 'Duealpi' (PBR) , 'Duealpivu' (PBR) , 'Duealpur' (PBR) , 'Duealpursky' (PBR) , 'Duealred' (PBR) , 'Duealrow' (PBR) , 'Duealroywi' (PBR) , 'Duealtigold' (PBR) , 'Duealtihotpi' (PBR) , 'Duealtily' (PBR) , 'Duealtiman' (PBR) , 'Duealtineo' (PBR) , 'Duealtinice' (PBR) , 'Duealtior' (PBR) , 'Duealtipi' (PBR) , 'Duealtisal' (PBR) , 'Duealtisopi' (PBR) , 'Duealtistraw' (PBR) , 'Duealyel' (PBR) , 'Duehulcher' (PBR) , 'Duehulgo' (PBR) , 'Duehulhop' (PBR) , 'Duehulor' (PBR) , 'Duevolgo' (PBR) ,
F Ficallinlightb' (PBR) , 'Ficallinpi' (PBR) , 'Ficallinpur' (PBR) , 'Ficallinred' (PBR) , 'Ficallinwhi' (PBR) , 'Ficallinyel' (PBR) , 'Filindura Pink' (PBR) , 'Filindura Red' , 'Filindura Trailing Ink' , 'Filindura Trailing Rose' , 'Filindura White' (PBR) , 'Filindura Yellow' ,
G Ggg Sweet Bells Appleblossom = 'Sumcali 01' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Blueberry = 'Sumcali 02' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Raspberry = 'Sumcali 03' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Snowberry = 'Sumcali07' (PBR) , Ggg Sweet Bells Wineberry = 'Sumcali06' (PBR) ,
I 'Illumination Blue' , 'Illumination Rose' , Improved Cherry = 'Sunbel Kopachipi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , 'Incaluhopi' (PBR) , 'Incalulila' (PBR) , 'Incaluwhit' (PBR) , Isabells Purple = 'Balcabpurim' (PBR) ,
K 'K7-1133' (Carillon Series) , Kabloom Deep Blue = 'Pas10203441' (Kabloom Series) , Kabloom Deep Pink = 'Pas1020305' (Kabloom Series) , Kabloom Series , Kabloom Series , Kabloom Terracotta (Kabloom Series) , Kabloom White = 'Pas1020307' (Kabloom Series) , 'Kakegawa S27' , 'Kakegawa S49' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S50' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S51' , 'Kakegawa S53' , 'Kakegawa S62' , 'Kakegawa S63' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S65' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S68' , 'Kakegawa S71' (PBR) , 'Kakegawa S81' , 'Kakegawa S85' , 'Kakegawa S86' , 'Kiebellye' , 'Kiecabul' , 'Kiecadros' , 'Kiecared' , 'Kiecasal' , 'Kiecayel' , 'Klec00066' , 'Klec00070' , 'Klec00071' , 'Klec00072' , 'Klec00078' (PBR) , 'Klec01055' (PBR) , 'Klec01056' , 'Klec01057' , 'Klec01058' (PBR) , 'Klec01061' (PBR) , 'Klec01062' (PBR) , 'Klec01068' , 'Klec02004' , 'Klec020259' , 'Klec02059' , 'Klec02060' , 'Klec02070' , 'Klec02072' , 'Klec02073' (PBR) , 'Klec03074' (PBR) , 'Klec03085' , 'Klec03085' , 'Klec03092' , 'Klec03094' , 'Klec1064' , 'Klec99082' , 'Klec99r14' , 'Kleca05101' (PBR) , 'Kleca05102' , 'Kleca05115' (PBR) , 'Kleca05116' , 'Kleca06098' (PBR) , 'Kleca06120' (PBR) , 'Kleca06123' , 'Kleca06124' (PBR) , 'Kleca06126' , 'Kleca07112' (PBR) , 'Kleca07145' (PBR) , 'Kleca07146' (PBR) , 'Kleca07153' (PBR) , 'Kleca07154' (PBR) , 'Kleca07160' (PBR) (d) , 'Kleca07162' , 'Kleca08158' (PBR) , 'Kleca08164' , 'Kleca08167' (PBR) , 'Kleca08170' (PBR) , 'Kleca08178' (PBR) , 'Kleca08182' , 'Kleca08187' (PBR) , 'Kleca09172' (PBR) , 'Kleca09204' (PBR) , 'Kleca09206' , 'Kleca09207' (PBR) , 'Kleca09208' (PBR) , 'Kleca09210' , 'Kleca10211' (PBR) , 'Kleca10216' (PBR) , 'Kleca10218' (PBR) , 'Kleca10219' (PBR) , 'Kleca10220' (PBR) , 'Kleca11225' (PBR) , 'Kleca11227' (PBR) , 'Kleca12233' (PBR) , 'Kleca12234' (PBR) , 'Kleca12235' (PBR) , 'Kleca12236' (PBR) , 'Kleca13224' (PBR) , 'Kleca13242' (PBR) , 'Kleca13244' (PBR) , 'Kleca13247' (PBR) , 'Kleca13250' (PBR) , 'Kleca13251' (PBR) , 'Kleca13255' (PBR) , 'Kleca13259' (PBR) , 'Kleia06126' ,
L 'Lazcal0901' (PBR) , 'Lazcal0906' (PBR) , 'Lazcal0915' (PBR) , 'Lazcal0918' (PBR) , 'Lazzpersema' , Lemon = 'Kleca08167' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , 'Light Yellow' , Lindura Light Blue = 'Ficallinlightb' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Pink = 'Ficallinpi' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Purple = 'Ficallinpur' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Red = 'Ficallinred' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Trailing Rose = 'Illumination Rose 2' (Lindura Series) , Lindura White = 'Ficallinwhi' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , Lindura Yellow = 'Ficallinyel' (PBR) (Lindura Series) , 'Liricashower White with Blush' ,
M Mille Baci Blue = 'Lazcal0918' (PBR) , Mille Baci Scarlet = 'Lazcal0906' (PBR) , Mille Baci White = 'Lazcal0901' (PBR) , Million Bells Antique Rose = 'Sunbelpisupu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Apricot = 'Sunbelapu' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Blue = 'Sunbelbu' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Blue 08 = 'Sunbelkopabu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Blue Star = 'Sunbelbusta' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Gold = 'Sunbel 8571' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Pink = 'Suncalpink' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Red = 'Suncalred' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Wine Red = 'Suncalwine' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Bouquet Yellow Eye = 'Sunbel 0778' (PBR) (Bouquet Series) , Million Bells Brilliant Pink = 'Suncalpi' (PBR) , Million Bells Cherry = 'Sunbelchipi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Cherry Pink = 'Uscal91001' (PBR) , Million Bells Cherry Red = 'Sunbelrichipi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Chiffon = 'Suncalsifopi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Chiffon Blue = 'Suncalsifobu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Cosmos Pink = 'Sunbelkos' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Cosmos Pink Improved = 'Suncalcos' , Million Bells Crackling Fire = 'Sunbelfire' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Creeping Pink = 'Sunbelrikupi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Flamingo = 'Sunbelflam' (PBR) , Million Bells Golden Terracotta = 'Sunbelsoil' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Hot Pink = 'Sunbelhopi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Lavender = 'Sunbellabu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Lemon 06 = 'Sunbelkic' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Lime = 'Sunbelremo' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Mounding Red = 'Sunbelrireni' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Neon Yellow 08 = 'Sunbelrem' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Orange Glow = 'Sunbelore' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Peaches 'n' Cream = 'Sunbelkupichi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Pink = 'Sunbelpi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Pink Morn = 'Sunbelkupapi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Pink Terracotta = 'Sunbelrikist' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Plum = 'Sunbelkopawai' (PBR) , Million Bells Pure Yellow = 'Sunbelriki' (PBR) , Million Bells Red = 'Sunbelre' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Royal Red = 'Sunbelsu' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Salmon = 'Sunbelpapi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Salsa = 'Sunbelnero' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Terracotta = 'Kiebellye' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Terracotta = 'Sunbelkist' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Blue = 'Sunbelkubu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Coral Glow = 'Sunbelkurop' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Cream = 'Suncalkucrem' (PBR) , Million Bells Trailing Fuchsia = 'Sunbelrkup' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Ice = 'Sunbelkuriho' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Lavender Vein = 'Sunbelbura' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Lemon (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Pink = 'Sunbelkupi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Pink = 'Sunbelkupi 2003' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Plum = 'Sunbelkufepi' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Red (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Silver Blue = 'Sunbelkulave' (PBR) , Million Bells Trailing Sky Blue = 'Sunbel Kukosubu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Soft Pink = 'Sunbelkuopi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Topaz = 'Sunbelrikubu' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing White = 'Sunbelkuho' (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells Trailing Yellow = 'Suncalkuki' (PBR) , Million Bells White = 'Sunbelho' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , Million Bells White = 'Suncalho' (Million Bells Series) , Minifamous Apricot + Eye = 'Kleca10211' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Compact Blue = 'Kleca12236' (PBR) , Minifamous Compact Double Yellow = 'Kleca08182' (Minifamous Series) (d) , Minifamous Compact Purple = 'Kleca10218' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Coral + Eye = 'Kleca07146' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Dark Blue = 'Klec02070' , Minifamous Dark Violet = 'Klec020259' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Dark Violet = 'Klec02059' , Minifamous Double Amethyst = 'Kleca09208' (PBR) , Minifamous Double Blue = 'Kleca07162' (Minifamous Series) (d) , Minifamous Double Blush Pink = 'Kleca08164' (Minifamous Series) , 'Minifamous Double Flame' (d) , Minifamous Double Hot Pink = 'Kleca09207' (PBR) , Minifamous Double Lavender (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Lemon = 'Kleca09204' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Magenta = 'Kleca12233' (PBR) , Minifamous Double Nostalgia (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Orange = 'Kleca09206' (Minifamous Series) (d) , Minifamous Double Pink = 'Kleca06126' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Double Pink = 'Kleia06126' , Minifamous Double Pink = 'Kleia06126' , Minifamous Double Pink Vein = 'Kleca12234' (PBR) , Minifamous Lavender = 'Klec02060' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Lavender Blue = 'Kleca08170' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , 'Minifamous Light Pink + Eye = 'Kleca10216' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Midnight Blue = 'Kleca08178' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Neo White = 'Kleca12235' (PBR) , Minifamous Orange = 'Klec03074' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Peach = 'Kleca07154' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Purple = 'Kleca09210' , Minifamous Red = 'Klec02072' (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Royal Blue = 'Kleca07112' (PBR) , Minifamous Tangerine = 'Kleca08187' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Vampire = 'Kleca09172' (PBR) (Minifamous Series) , Minifamous Yellow = 'Klec03085' ,
N Neon Yellow 08 = 'Sunbelcrem' (PBR) , Noa Almond Blossom = 'Danoa53' (PBR) , Noa Amber Star = 'Dannoa35' , Noa Dark Pink Carnival = 'Danoa49' (PBR) , Noa Double Pineapple = 'Danoa86' (PBR) , Noa Lemon (Noa Series) , Noa Magenta (Noa Series) , Noa Mango Eye = 'Danoa36' (Noa Series) , Noa Mega Magenta = 'Dannoa39' , Noa Mega Pink = 'Danoa38' (PBR) (Noa Series) , Noa Orange Eye (Noa Series) , Noa Peach = 'Danoa44' , Noa Series , Noa Tangerine = 'Danoa52' , Noa Ultra Purple (Noa Series) , Noa Violet Glint , Noa Yellow = 'Danoa37' (Noa Series) ,
P 'Pas1020305' , 'Pas1020307' , 'Pas10203441' , 'Pas10203441' , Priviledged Antique Rose = 'Caltrarosan' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Blue Purple = 'Caltrablupu' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Blue Purple = 'Caltrablupu' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Cherry Red = 'Calupreche' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Dark Blue = 'Calupdapuvi' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Light Blue = 'Caluplivi' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Priviledged Rose = 'Caltrarose' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Privileged Electric Burgundy = 'Caltraelba' (PBR) (Privileged Series) , Privileged Mid Blue = 'Caltramipuvi' (PBR) (Priviledged Series) , Privileged Peach Melba , Privileged Series , Privileged White with Pink Ring (Privileged Series) ,
R 'Rosaly' , 'Rosestar' ,
S 'Sakcal070' , 'Sakcal072' (PBR) , 'Sakcal074' , 'Sakcal075' (PBR) , 'Sakcal076' (PBR) , 'Sakcal077' (PBR) , 'Sakcal078' (PBR) , 'Sakcal092' (PBR) , 'Sakcal094' (PBR) , 'Sakcal095' (PBR) , 'Sakcal096' (PBR) , 'Sakcal098' (PBR) , 'Sakcal099' (PBR) , 'Sakcal104' (PBR) , 'Sakcal105' (PBR) , 'Sakcal106' (PBR) , 'Sakcal107' (PBR) , 'Sakcal108' (PBR) , 'Sakcal110' (PBR) , 'Selchepi' , Selecta Dark Blue = 'Klec00070' , Selecta Dark Fuchsia = 'Klec00078' (PBR) , Selecta Lemon = 'Klec01056' , Selecta Red = 'Klec00072' , Selecta Sun Yellow = 'Klec01057' , Selecta Yellow Lilac Star = 'Klec00066' , 'Silver Blue' , 'Sk7-1155' , 'Sk9-151' , 'Sk9-354' , 'Soft Pink' , Spring Fling Blue = 'Kiecabul' , Spring Fling Red = 'Kiecared' , Spring Fling Rose = 'Kiecadros' , Spring Fling Salmon = 'Kiecasal' , Spring Fling Yellow = 'Kiecayel' , Starlette Sunset = '01c-j-4' , Starlette Sunset = '01c-j-4' , 'Starlight Blue' , 'Starlight Pink' , 'Sumcali 01' (PBR) , 'Sumcali 02' (PBR) , 'Sumcali 03' (PBR) , 'Sumcali06' (PBR) , 'Sumcali07' (PBR) , 'Sumcali09' (PBR) , 'Sunbel 0778' (PBR) , 'Sunbel 8571' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Kopachipi' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Kukosubu' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Orange' (PBR) , 'Sunbel Orange' (PBR) , 'Sunbelapri' , 'Sunbelapu' , 'Sunbelbu' , 'Sunbelbura' (PBR) , 'Sunbelbusta' (PBR) , 'Sunbelchipi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelcrem' (PBR) , 'Sunbelfire' , 'Sunbelflam' (PBR) , 'Sunbelho' (PBR) , 'Sunbelhopi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelki' , 'Sunbelkic' , 'Sunbelkist' , 'Sunbelkopabu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkopawai' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkos' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkubu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkufepi' , 'Sunbelkuho' , 'Sunbelkulave' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkuopi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkupapi' (PBR) (Million Bells Series) , 'Sunbelkupi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkupi 2003' , 'Sunbelkupichi' , 'Sunbelkuriho' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkurop' (PBR) , 'Sunbelkusubu' , 'Sunbellabu' (PBR) , 'Sunbells Peach' , Sunbells Pineapple = 'Sunbelki' , 'Sunbelnero' (PBR) , 'Sunbelore' , 'Sunbelpapi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelpi' , 'Sunbelpisupu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelre' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrem' , 'Sunbelremo' , 'Sunbelriapu' , 'Sunbelrichipi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelriki' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrikist' , 'Sunbelrikubu' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrikupi' (PBR) , 'Sunbelrireni' , 'Sunbelsoil' , 'Sunbelsu' , 'Suncalcos' , 'Suncalho' , 'Suncalkucrem' (PBR) , 'Suncalkuki' (PBR) , 'Suncalpapu' , 'Suncalpi' (PBR) , 'Suncalpink' (PBR) , 'Suncalred' (PBR) , 'Suncalsifobu' (PBR) , 'Suncalsifopi' , 'Suncalwine' (PBR) , Superbells Amarena = 'Uscal33703' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Apricot Punch = 'Uscali41308' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Banana Chocolate (Superbells Series) , Superbells Blueberry Punch (Superbells Series) , Superbells Candy White = 'Uscali48' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cherry Blossom = 'Uscali212-1' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cherry Punch (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cherry Star (Superbells Series) , Superbells Coral = 'Uscali214-1' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Coralberry Punch = 'Uscal66501' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Cream = 'Uscal15801' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Double Rose = 'Us08cj0202' (PBR) (Superbells Series) (d) , Superbells Double Ruby = 'Uscal83901' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Dreamsicle = 'Uscali411-7' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Gold (Superbells Series) , Superbells Grape Punch = 'Uscal84704' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Imperial Purple = 'Uscali100' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Indigo = 'Uscali51' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Lemon Slice = 'Uscal5302m' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Light Pink = 'Uscali67' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Magenta = 'Uscali17' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Orange = 'Uscali41109' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Pink = 'Uscali11' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Pomegranate Punch = 'Uscal08501' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Raspberry = 'Uscali40702' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Red = 'Uscali28' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Red Devil (PBR) , Superbells Royal Blue = 'Uscali4' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Saffron = 'Uscali413-4' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Scarlet = 'Uscali411-12' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Strawberry Pink = 'Uscali47' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Strawberry Punch = 'Uscal58205' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Tickled Pink = 'Uscali223-1' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Trailing Blue = 'Caltradabl' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Trailing Rose = 'Caltrapi' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Voodoo = 'Uscali99M' (Superbells Series) , Superbells White (2002) = 'Uscali6' (Superbells Series) , Superbells White (2007) = 'Uscal1651' (Superbells Series) , Superbells White Improved = 'Uscali386-2' (Superbells Series) , Superbells Yellow = 'Uscal53002' (PBR) (Superbells Series) , Superbells Yellow Chiffon = 'Uscal402-1' (Superbells Series) , Sweetheart Light Pink = 'Klec01062' (PBR) , Sweetheart White = 'Klec1064' ,
T 'Trailing Peach Melba' ,
U 'Us08cj0202' (PBR) , 'Uscal08501' (PBR) , 'Uscal12202' (PBR) , 'Uscal1413-8' , 'Uscal15801' , 'Uscal1651' , 'Uscal33703' (PBR) , 'Uscal402-1' , 'Uscal41109' (PBR) , 'Uscal41308' (PBR) , 'Uscal41702' (PBR) , 'Uscal42201' (PBR) , 'Uscal53002' (PBR) , 'Uscal5302m' (PBR) , 'Uscal54201' (PBR) , 'Uscal58205' , 'Uscal66501' , 'Uscal83901' (PBR) , 'Uscal84704' , 'Uscal91001' (PBR) , 'Uscali100' (PBR) , 'Uscali11' (PBR) , 'Uscali1651' (PBR) , 'Uscali17' (PBR) , 'Uscali212-1' , 'Uscali214-1' , 'Uscali223-1' , 'Uscali28' (PBR) , 'Uscali386-2' , 'Uscali4' (PBR) , 'Uscali40702' , 'Uscali41109' , 'Uscali411-12' , 'Uscali411-7' , 'Uscali41308' , 'Uscali413-4' , 'Uscali47' , 'Uscali48' (PBR) , 'Uscali51' (PBR) , 'Uscali518-1' , 'Uscali6' , 'Uscali67' (PBR) , 'Uscali99M' ,
W 'Wescacham' (PBR) , 'Wescacherry' (PBR) , 'Wescacherryno' (PBR) , 'Wescacream' (PBR) , 'Wescadarkvio' , 'Wescadopi' (PBR) , 'Wescafire' , 'Wescaice' , 'Wescain' (PBR) , 'Wescalei' , 'Wescamagno' (PBR) , 'Wescamalve' (PBR) , 'Wescaosu' (PBR) , 'Wescaplum' (PBR) , 'Wescapurve' (PBR) , 'Wescarasp' (PBR) , 'Wescarose' (PBR) , 'Wescasal' , 'Wescasnow' (PBR) , 'Wescasto' (PBR) , 'Wescastpi' (PBR) , 'Wescastpur' (PBR) , 'Wescasun' , 'Wescawhite' , 'Wespink' (PBR) , 'Wesviolet' (PBR) ,
Y 'Yellow' ,
1 ペチュニア・グランドフォリア Petunia grandiflora 大輪花が最も大きいペチュニアであり、大きいものは直径10~12㎝になる。涼しい気候が最適、雨に弱い。ややコンパクトな新品種は、耐病性がある。
品種) BabyDollR ,'Daddy Series' , Dreams White , 【 (Grandiflora Series) 'Limoncello'】 , 'Hulahoop' , 【 (Limbo Gp Series) Limbo Gp Burgundy Picotee , Limbo Gp Rose Picotee , Limbo Gp Sky Blue 】 , 'Merlin Blue Morn' , 【 'Prism Sunshine' F1 Hybrid 】 , 【(Spreading Samba Series) 'Spreading Samba Burgundy' ,'Spreading Samba Red' , 'Spreading Samba Salmon' , 'Spreading Samba Pink' 】 , 'Sophistica Lime Bicolour' , 'Stormy Weather' , 'Superbissima' , Superbissima Grandiflora Mixed , Success!R , Supercascade Series , 'T&M's Global Grandiflora' F1 Hybrid , Ultra Series , 【クリーピア】
2 ペチュニア・フロリバンダ Petunia floribunda 中輪房咲き
品種) 'Carpet Blue Lace' , Double Bonanza , 'Double Madness Blue' , 【MadnessR Lavender Glow , MadnessR Merlot Mix , MadnessR Midnight , MadnessR Red , MadnessR Total Mixture , MadnessR Yellow 】 , 'Queen Bee' , Mirage Series , Pan-Barhat Rubine' F1 , Reflections Series 'Reflections' , Rose Vein , Sonja Series
3 ペチュニア・マルチフローラ Petunia multiflora 小輪多花
品種) 'Baby Duck' , 'Baccara Series' , 'Bonanza Series Mixed' , Carpet Series , 'Carpet Series Formula Mixed' , 'Celebrity Blue' , 'Celebrity Blue Cystal' , 'Celebrity Blue Ice' , 'Celebrity Burgundy' , 'Celebrity Burgundy Frost' , 'Celebrity Burgundy Star' , 'Celebrity Carmine' , 'Celebrity Chiffon Morn' , 'Celebrity Lilac' , 'Celebrity Lilac Morn' , 'Celebrity Mid Blue' , 'Celebrity Neon' , 'Celebrity Orchid Ice' , 'Celebrity Peach Ice' , 'Celebrity Pink' , 'Celebrity Pink Morn' , 'Celebrity Plum Ice' , 'Celebrity Raspberry Ice' , 'Celebrity Red' , 'Celebrity Red Morn' , 'Celebrity Rose' , 'Celebrity Rose Frost' , 'Celebrity Rose Star' , 'Celebrity Salmon' , 'Celebrity Scarlet' , 'Celebrity Sky Blue' , 'Celebrity Strawberry Ice' , 'Duo Peppermint' , 'Duo Salmon' , 'Duo Series Mixed' , 'Explorer Series Mixed' , formula mixed , 'Frenxy White' , 'Frenzy Blue' , 'Frenzy Blue Star' , 'Frenzy Blue Vein' , 'Frenzy Burgundy Star' , 'Frenzy Butter Cream' , 'Frenzy Carmine' , 'Frenzy Deep Dark Dawn' , 'Frenzy Grand Rapids' , Frenzy Grand Rapids mixed (Series) , 'Frenzy Lavender Glow' , 'Frenzy Lavender Vein' , 'Frenzy Light Blue' , 'Frenzy Light Salmon Vein' , 'Frenzy Lilac' , 'Frenzy Mid Blue' , Frenzy Morn mixed , 'Frenzy Orchid' , 'Frenzy Pink' , 'Frenzy Pink Morn' , 'Frenzy Plum Bicolour' , 'Frenzy Purple' , 'Frenzy Red' , 'Frenzy Red Frost' , 'Frenzy Red Morn' , 'Frenzy Red Star' , 'Frenzy Red Vein' , 'Frenzy Reflections' , 'Frenzy Rose' , 'Frenzy Rose Morn' , 'Frenzy Rose Star' , 'Frenzy Rose Vein' , 'Frenzy Salmon' , 'Frenzy Salmon Morn' , 'Frenzy Satin & Silk' , 'Frenzy Set the Fashion' , 'Frenzy Star' , 'Frenzy Velvet' , 'Frenzy Yellow' , 'Glistening Pearls' , 'Horizon Blackcurrant Sundae' , 'Horizon Blue' , 'Horizon Blueberry Sundae' , 'Horizon Bright Rose' , 'Horizon Coral Halo' , 'Horizon Deep Rose' , 'Horizon Flame' , 'Horizon Knickerbocker Glory' , 'Horizon Lavender' , 'Horizon Lavender Sunrise' , 'Horizon Light Salmon' , 'Horizon Midnight Blue' , 'Horizon Pink' , 'Horizon Raspberry Sundae' , 'Horizon Red' , 'Horizon Red Halo' , 'Horizon Rose Halo' , 'Horizon Ruby' , 'Horizon Salmon' , 'Horizon Series Formula Mixed' (Horizon Series) , 'Horizon Sky Blue' , 'Horizon Strawberry Sundae' , 'Horizon Sunlight' , 'Horizon White' , 'Horizon Yellow' , 'Hurrah Blue' , 'Hurrah Blue Veined' , 'Hurrah Carmine' , 'Hurrah Coral Flare' , 'Hurrah Lavender Tie Dye' , 'Hurrah Pink' , 'Hurrah Pink Chiffon' , 'Hurrah Pink Flare' , 'Hurrah Pink Veined' , 'Hurrah Plum' , 'Hurrah Red' , 'Hurrah Red Star' , 'Hurrah Rose' , 'Hurrah Rose Star' , 'Hurrah Salmon' , 'Hurrah Salmon Chiffon' , 'Hurrah Salmon Veined' , Hurrah Series , 'Hurrah Velvet' , 'Hurrah White' , 'Kanon Blue' , 'Kanon Carmine' , 'Kanon Red' , 'Kanon White' , 'Kanon Yellow' , 'Madness Series' (many colours). , 'Mambno Sweet Pink' , 'Mambo Blue' , 'Mambo Deep Purple' , Mambo Gp Mid Blue (Mambo Gp Series) , Mambo Gp Orchid Veined (Mambo Gp Series) , 'Mambo Pink' , 'Mambo Purple' , 'Mambo Red' , 'Mambo Rose' , 'Mambo Salmon' , 'Mambo Violet' , 'Mambo White' , 'Merlin Blue' , 'Merlin Blue Picotee' , 'Merlin Burgundy Picotee' , 'Merlin Cherry Rose' , 'Merlin Light Salmon' , 'Merlin Magenta' , 'Merlin Morn Mixed' , 'Merlin Picotee Mixed' , 'Merlin Pink Improved' , 'Merlin Pink Vein' , 'Merlin Plum Vein' , 'Merlin Red' , 'Merlin Red Picotee' , 'Merlin Rose' , 'Merlin Rose Picotee' , 'Merlin Salmon' , 'Merlin Series Mixed' , 'Merlin White' , 'Mini Bella Picotee Mixed' , 'Mirage Midnight' , 'Mirage Reflections Mixed' , Mirage Series , 'Mirage Series Mixed' , 'Nuvolari Dusty Morn' , 'Nuvolari Harlequin Rose' , 'Nuvolari Pastel Pink' , 'Nuvolari Purple' , 'Nuvolari Red' , 'Nuvolari White' , 'Opera Supreme Blue' , 'Opera Supreme Lilac Ice' , 'Opera Supreme Pink' , 'Opera Supreme Pink Morn' , 'Opera Supreme Purple' , 'Opera Supreme White' , 'Pink Lady' , 'Plum Crystals' , 'Prime Time Blue' , 'Prime Time Blue Star' , 'Prime Time Burgundy' , 'Prime Time Burgundy Star' , 'Prime Time Carmine' , 'Prime Time Lavender' , 'Prime Time Light Blue' , 'Prime Time Mid Blue' , 'Prime Time Pink' , 'Prime Time Pink Morn' , 'Prime Time Pink Vein' , 'Prime Time Red' , 'Prime Time Red Frost' , 'Prime Time Red Star' , 'Prime Time Red Vein' , 'Prime Time Rose' , 'Prime Time Rose Frost' , 'Prime Time Rose Star' , 'Prime Time Series Formula Mixed' (Prime Time Series) , 'Shock Wave Buzz' , 'Shock Wave Electric' , 'Shock Wave Ivory' , 'Shock Wave Pink Shades' , 'Shock Wave Pink Vein' , 'Shock Wave Purple' , 'Shock Wave Rose'
4 ペチュニア・ミリフローラ Petunia milliflora 極小輪、
.品種) 'Fantasy Series' , 'Fantasy' F1 Hybrid , 'Fantasy Mix' , 'Fantasy Salmon' , PicobellaR Rose Star , 'Supertunia Mini Series' (blue, pink, lilac, purple and white)
5 ペチュニア・ヘッジフローラ Petunia hedgiflora (spreading petunia , ground-cover petunia)
品種) 'Purple Wave' [最初のspreading type、高さ10㎝] , 'Opera Supreme' , Easy WaveR 'White F1' , 'Surfinia' , 'Tidal Wave'Tidal Wave Cherry F1 , Tidal Wave Silver F1 , WaveR,
6 ペチュニア・カスケード Petunia cascading (pendulous-stemmed varieties useful in hanging baskets or as ground covers).
品種) 'Cascade Pink Orchid Mist' F1 Hybrid ,'Cascading' , Grandiflora Double Petunia , 'Martha Washington' , Miracle-Gro , 'Super Cascade Improved' F1 Hybrid, 【(サフィニア Surfinia Series) 'Giant' P, 'Lime' P, 'Moonlight Eclipse' P, 'Blue Vein', 'Burgundi', 'Dark Violet', 'Deep Red', 'Hot Pink', 'Pink Vein', 'Purple', 'Victoria Yellow' and 'White'.】
7 カリブラコア属 以前はペチュニア属に含まれていた。
Calibrachoa × hybrida カリブリコア(カリブリコアハイブリッド)
8 ペチュニア属×カリブラコア属
スーパーカルⓇシリーズ ピンクスプラッシュライトピンク 淡色の花がある
1) Factsheet - *Petunia axillaris - Electronic Flora of South AustraliaPetunia axillaris List of Fact Sheets|Glossary
2) Flora de la Republica ArgentinaSolanaceae Petunia integrifolia (Hook.) Schinz & Thell.
Vierteljahrsschr. Naturf. Ges. Zurich 60: 361 1915
3) Factsheet - *Calibrachoa parviflora - Electronic Flora of South AustraliayCalibrachoa
Calibrachoa parviflora
4) 園学研 (Hort Res. (Japa)) 1(3) :213-218 . 2002.ペチュニア属の遺伝資源
5) Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 171, 140?153. With 4 figuresBiogeographical history and diversification of Petuniaand Calibrachoa (Solanaceae)
in the Neotropical Pampas grassland
6)Novelties in Calibrachoa (Solanaceae) and taxonomic notes on the genus for ArgentinaA new subspecies of Calibrachoa from Argentina and Brazil is described and ilustrated:
Calibrachoa pubescens (Spreng.) Stehmann,
7) 未承認の遺伝子組換えペチュニアの取扱いについて(第3報)農林水産省 H29年9月