

Flora of Mikawa

オオバコ科 Plantaginaceae キンギョソウ属

別 名 ドラゴンフラワー
中国名 金鱼草 jin yu cao
英 名 snapdragon , common snapdragon
学 名 Antirrhinum majus L. 'Bronze Dragon'
 synonym Antirrhinum Majus Nanum 'Bronze Dragon'
花 期 (3)4~7(9)月
高 さ 30~90(120)㎝
生活型 多年草
生育場所 栽培種
分 布 帰化種 ヨーロッパ、地中海沿岸原産
撮 影 豊橋市  16.4.5
 キンギョソウ(Antirrhinum majus L.)はヨーロッパ、地中海沿岸原産。英名はsnapdragon , common snapdragon。英名はかみつきドラゴンを意味する。中国名は金鱼草 jin yu cao。標高600~2000mの石灰岩または珪質の基質上の亀裂または岩礫地、石の多い場所、道端、砂利や砂礫に生える。世界中で観賞用に栽培され、多数の品種があり、ハイブリッドを加えると1000種以上の品種がある。
 多年草、無毛、花序にのみ腺毛があり、例外的に基部に長さ0.2~0.4㎜の腺毛がある。茎は長さ35~65㎝、[基部は木質化し、高いものは90㎝まれに2mにもなり、]太く、直立し、単純またはまばらに分枝し、硬質でなく、無毛で、ときに下部にまばらに腺毛がある。葉は長さ18~65㎜×幅6~20㎜、下部の葉は対生し、上部の葉は互生し、披針状楕円形~狭長円形、ほぼ鋭形、基部は漸尖し、薄く、曲がり、平らで、上面は緑色で下面は紫色、無毛で、上部の葉にはまばらに腺毛がある。葉柄は長さ1~2㎜。花序は密で、10~20個の花が互生する。苞は長さ5~7㎜×幅4~6㎜、葉とは著しく異なり、卵形、鈍形または鋭形で、互生する。花は小花柄が長さ2~5㎜、真っすぐで直立し、苞よりも短い。萼は5深裂し、萼片が長さ6~10㎜×幅3~5.5㎜、卵形、鈍形、反り返らず、密に長さ0.3㎜までの腺毛がある。花冠は2唇形、全面の下部が伸び、兜状になり、長さ33~45㎜、紫色、基部に紫色または帯白色の筒部があり、紫色の脈があり、腺毛がある。上唇は直立・開出し、幅広で大きく、2中裂し、切れ込みは8~10㎜、裂片は幅11~13㎜、広卵形、平ら、散開し、紫色の脈がなく、基部に紫色の斑点がある。下唇は直立・開出し、3浅裂し、紫色の脈はなく、基部は白色で、下唇の隆起(palate)は黄色、基部のこぶ(hump)は1.5~3mm、萼片の間から突き出る。雄しべ4個、2強雄しべ。蒴果は長さ12~15㎜×幅10~12㎜、広楕円形、鈍形、木質の壁を持ち、長さ0.6㎜までの腺毛がある。[長い角(つの)状に花柱が残り、腺毛に覆われ、多数の種子が入り、熟すと、頂部が裂開する。]種子は長さ0.8~1.1㎜、長円状卵形、網目があり、黒色。縦のうねは規則的に吻合し、小歯状がある。2n=16, 32;n=8。花期は(3)4~7(9)月。
品種) 'Admiral White' , Angel Towers (mixed) , Antiquity™ Lemon , Antiquity™ Mix , 'Apollo Cinnamon' , 'Apollo Ivory' , 'Apollo Purple' , 'Apollo Yellow' , Appeal Bicolour Mix ('Appeal') , 'Appleblossom' , Arrow™ Deep Red , Arrow™ Magenta , Arrow™ Mixture , Arrow™ Orange , Arrow™ Pink , Arrow™ Red/Yellow Bicolor , Arrow™ White , Arrow™ Yellow , 'Avignon Pink' (Avignon Series) , 'Axiom Bronze' , 'Axiom Deep Orange' , 'Axiom Deep Rose' , 'Axiom Orange' , 'Axiom Paper White' , 'Axiom Pink' , 'Axiom Rose' , 'Axiom White' , 'Axiom Yellow' , 'Balumred' , 'Balumsum' , 'Bells Frosty Lavender' (Bells Series) , 'Bells Pink' (Bells Series) , Bells Series, mixed , 'Bells Yellow' (Bells Series) , Bells™ Purple & White , 'Black Prince' , 'Brazilian Carnival' (mixed) , 'Brighton Rock' (mixed) , 'Bronze Dragon'ブロンズドラゴン, 'Canary Bird' , 'Candy Corn' , 'Candy Showers Red' , 'Candy Stripe' (v) , Chantilly™ Bronze , Chantilly™ CreamYellow , Chantilly™ Deep Orange , Chantilly™ Fruit Punch , Chantilly™ Light Pink , Chantilly™ Light Salmon , Chantilly™ Mix , Chantilly™ Peach , Chantilly™ Pink , Chantilly™ Purple , Chantilly™ White , Chantilly™ Yellow , 'Chartreuse' , 'Cheerio' (mixed) , 'Cherry Twist' , 'Chimes Bronze' , 'Chimes Red' , 'Chinese Dragon' , 'Circus Clowns' , 'Connexion Red' , 'Cool Bronze' , 'Cool Coral' , 'Cool Crimson' , 'Cool Orange Bicolor' , 'Cool Pink' , 'Cool Purple' , 'Cool Rose' , 'Cool Salmon' , 'Cool White' , 'Cool Yellow' , 'Copper Queen' , 'Coronette Cherry' (Coronette Series) , 'Costa Apricot' , 'Costa Mix' , 'Costa Silver' , 'Costa Summer Lavender' , 'Defiance' , 'Diana Cerise' , 'Double Azalea Apricot' , 'Double Azalea Bronze' , 'Double Azalea Lemon' , 'Double Azalea Pink' , 'Double Azalea Red' , 'Double Sweetheart Mixed' , 'Dwarf Bedding' (mixed) , 'Dwarf Magic Carpet' , Early Potomac™ Orange , Early Potomac™ Pink , Early Potomac™ Rose , Early Potomac™ White , Early Potomac™ Yellow , 'Floral Carpet Bronze' (Floral Carpet Series) , 'Floral Carpet Mix' , 'Floral Carpet Pink' (Floral Carpet Series) , Floral Carpet Series , 'Floral Carpet White' (Floral Carpet Series) , 'Floral Carpet Yellow' (Floral Carpet Series) , 'Floral Showers Deep Bronze' (Floral Showers Serie , 'Floral Showers Purple' (Floral Showers Series) , 'Floral Showers Rose Pink' (Floral Showers Series) , 'Floral Showers Scarlet' (Floral Showers Series) , Floral Showers Series, mixed , Floral Showers™ Deep Bronze , Floral Showers™ Fuchsia , Floral Showers™ White , Freesong Pink , 'Frosted Flames' (mixed) (v) , 'Frosted Sunset' (v) , 'Frosty Lavender Bells' , 'Giant Flowered Bedding' (mixed) , 'Giant Rust Resistant' (mixed) , 'Hobbit' (mixed) , 'Innandepin' , 'Innanpink' , 'Innansalm' , 'Innansoyel' , 'Innanwhite' , 'Innapink'PBR , 'Jamaican Mist' (mixed) , 'Julia'PBR , 'June Blake' (v) , 'Kim Bicolor Mixed' , 'Kim Deep Orange' (Kim Series) , 'Kim Deep Rose' (Kim Series) , 'Kim Orange Bicolour' (Kim Series) , 'Kim Primrose Yellow' (Kim Series) , 'Kim Rose' (Kim Series) , 'Kim Scarlet' (Kim Series) , Kim Series , 'Kim White' (Kim Series) , 'Kimosy Mix' , 'La Bella' , 'La Bella Bronze' (La Bella Series) , 'La Bella Lavender' (La Bella Series) , 'La Bella Light Pink' (La Bella Series) , 'La Bella Pink' (La Bella Series) , 'La Bella Purple' (La Bella Series) , 'La Bella Red' (La Bella Series) , 'La Bella Rose' (La Bella Series) , 'La Bella White' (La Bella Series) , La Bella™ Red and White , 'Liberty Classic Crimson' (Liberty Classic Series) , 'Liberty Classic Light Pink' (Liberty Classic Seri , Liberty Classic™ Bronze , Liberty Classic™ Cherry , Liberty Classic™ Crimson , Liberty Classic™ Mixture , Liberty Classic™ Rose Pink , Liberty Classic™ Scarlet , Liberty Classic™ White , Liberty Classic™ Yellow , 'Lilac Time' , 'Lipstick Gold' , 'Lipstick Silver' , 'Little Darling' (mixed) , 'Lucky Lips' , Luminaire™ Bronze & Yellow , Luminaire™ Deep Purple , Luminaire™ Deep Yellow , Luminaire™ Harvest Red , Luminaire™ Hot Pink , Luminaire™ Orange & Yellow , Luminaire™ Pink , Luminaire™ Purple & Gold , Luminaire™ Red , Luminaire™ Sugarplum , Luminaire™ White , Luminaire™ White Improved , Luminaire™ Yellow , 'Luna'PBR , 'Madame Butterfly' (mixed) (d) , 'Madame Butterfly Bronze/White' , 'Madame Butterfly Mix' , 'Madame Butterfly Red' , 'Majestic Mix' , 'Mango Twist' , 'Maryland Appleblossom' , 'Maryland Bright Yellow' , 'Maryland Crimson' , 'Maryland Dark Orange' , 'Maryland Dark Orange Improved' , 'Maryland Dark Red' , 'Maryland Flame' , 'Maryland Flamingo' , 'Maryland Golden Bronze' , 'Maryland Ivory White' , 'Maryland Lavender' , 'Maryland Orange' , 'Maryland Plumblossom' , 'Maryland Red' , 'Maryland Royal' , Maryland Series , 'Maryland Shell Pink' , 'Maryland True Pink' , 'Maryland White' , 'Maryland White & Yellow Bicolor' , 'Maryland Yosemite Pink' , Mini Snap Series, mixed , 'Monaco Baltimore Rose' , 'Monaco Red' , 'Monaco Rose' , 'Monaco Violet' , 'Monaco White' , 'Monaco Yellow' , 'Monarch Crimson' (Monarch Series) , 'Monarch Lavender' (Monarch Series) , 'Monarch Orange' (Monarch Series) , 'Monarch Scarlet' (Monarch Series) , Monarch Series, mixed , 'Monarch White' (Monarch Series) , 'Monarch Yellow' (Monarch Series) , 'Montego Blush' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Lilac' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Orange Bicolour' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Pink' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Red' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Rose Bicolour' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Scarlet' (Montego Series) , Montego Series, formula mixed , 'Montego Sunset' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Violet' (Montego Series) , 'Montego White' (Montego Series) , 'Montego Yellow' (Montego Series) , Montego™ Burgundy Bicolor , Montego™ Mixture , Montego™ Orange Bicolor , Montego™ Pink , Montego™ Purple , Montego™ Red , Montego™ Rose , Montego™ Rose Bicolor , Montego™ Scarlet , Montego™ Sunset , Montego™ White , Montego™ Yellow , 'Mulled Wine' , 'Nelrose' , 'Night and Day' , Opus™ III/IV Apple Blossom , Opus™ III/IV Early Pink , 'Orange Wonder' , 'Oriental Lantern' , 'Overture 11 Red' , 'Paxia Bronze' , 'Paxia Candy Rose' , 'Paxia Orange' , 'Paxia Rose' , 'Paxia Scarlet' , 'Paxia White' , 'Paxia Yellow' , 'Peaches & Cream' , 'Pixie' (mixed) , Playful Canary , Playful Copper , Playful Ice , Playful Magenta , Playful Pink , Playful Twilight , Potomac™ Appleblossom , Potomac™ Cherry Rose , Potomac™ Crimson , Potomac™ Dark Orange , Potomac™ Ivory White , Potomac™ Mix , Potomac™ Orange , Potomac™ Pink , Potomac™ Plumblossom , Potomac™ Red , Potomac™ Rose , Potomac™ Royal , Potomac™ Soft Yellow , Potomac™ White , Potomac™ Yellow , 'Princess' , 'Purple Twist' , 'Purple Twist' F1 Hybrid , 'Red Delilah' , 'Rembrandt' , 'Reminiscent Mix' , 'Rocket Bronze' , 'Rocket Cherry' , 'Rocket Golden' , 'Rocket Mix' , 'Rocket Orchid' , 'Rocket Pink' , 'Rocket Red' , 'Rocket Rose Shades' , 'Rocket White' , 'Rocket Yellow' , 'Royal Bride' , 'Sawyer's Old-fashioned' (mixed) , 'Sawyer's Old-Fashioned Snapdragons' , 'Scarlet Giant' , 'Snap Daddy Yellow'PBR , 'Snappy Tongue' , Snapshot™ Appleblossom , Snapshot™ Burgundy , Snapshot™ Burgundy Bicolor , Snapshot™ Citrus Mixture , Snapshot™ Coral Bicolor , Snapshot™ Pink , Snapshot™ Plumblossom , Snapshot™ Purple , Snapshot™ Red , Snapshot™ Red Bicolor , Snapshot™ Rose , Snapshot™ Sunset , Snapshot™ White , Snapshot™ Yellow , Snaptastic™ Magenta , Snaptastic™ Mix , Snaptastic™ Orange Flame , Snaptastic™ Pink , Snaptastic™ Red , Snaptastic™ Yellow , Snaptini™ Burgundy Bicolor , Snaptini™ Mix , Snaptini™ Red , Snaptini™ Rose Bicolor , Snaptini™ Scarlet , Snaptini™ Sunglow Orange , Snaptini™ White , Snaptini™ Yellow , Solstice™ Burgundy , Solstice™ Lavender , Solstice™ Orange Tricolor , Solstice™ Pink , Solstice™ Purple , Solstice™ Red , Solstice™ Rose , Solstice™ White , Solstice™ Yellow , 'Sonnet Crimson' , 'Sonnet Mix' , 'Sonnet Orange Scarlet' (Sonnet Series) , 'Sonnet Pink' (Sonnet Series) , 'Sonnet Rose' (Sonnet Series) , 'Sonnet Scarlet' (Sonnet Series) , Sonnet Series, formula mixed , 'Sonnet White' (Sonnet Series) , 'Sonnet Yellow' (Sonnet Series) , 'Speedy Sonnet Rose' , 'Speedy Sonnet White' , Sultan™ Bronze , Sultan™ Purple , Sultan™ Red , Sultan™ Red & Yellow , 'Sulte Laver' , 'Sulte Litpinka' , 'Sulte Whit' , 'Sumanthir 01' , 'Sumanthir 02' , 'Sumanthir 03' , 'Sumanthir 04' , 'Sumanthir 05'PBR , 'Sunkispinfu' , 'Sunkispinfufu' , 'Super Majestic' , 'Sweetheart' (mixed) (d) , 'T&M Mixed' , 'Taff's White' (v) , 'Tahiti Red' , 'Tall Max' , 'Tequila Sunrise' (mixed) , 'Tetra Mixed' , 'Torbay Rock' , 'Trumpet Bronze Frost' , 'Trumpet Pink' , 'Trumpet Rose Frost' , 'Trumpet Serenade Mix' , 'Trumpet Tangerine' , 'Tutti Frutti' , 'Twilight Mix' , 'Twinny Appleblossom' , 'Twinny Formula Mixture' , 'Twinny Peach' , 'Twinny Rose' , 'Twinny Violet' , 'Twinny White' , 'Twinny Yellow' , 'University of California Mix' , 'Vanity Fayre' (mixed)