µm、幅約2(1.2~1.8) µm 長楕円形~惰円形。2菌糸型、原菌糸は幅約2µm、クランプがある。傘の骨格菌糸は幅3~4(<2.5)µm。
ヒメシロカイメンタケOxyporus cuneatus は同じように針葉樹(スギなど)の枯木に半背着生~背着生し、柔軟な海綿質。傘は単生~重生し、半分になったり、長くなったりし、幅5㎝以下、長さ1㎝以下、厚さ5㎜以下、普通、半円形~棚状、背面は白色、灰色~帯黄色になり、密綿毛~伏毛があり、環紋状、平滑、縁も同色。管孔面は白色~アイボリー色、孔口は円形~角形、3~4個/㎜、縁はやや歯牙状、背景は白色、柔らかい繊維状、環紋状、厚さ4㎜以下。管孔層は背景と同色、厚さ2㎜以下。菌糸は1菌糸型、薄壁、分枝が多く、単隔壁、幅2.5~6µm。クランプを欠く。シスチジアには2型あり、若干多く、狭棍棒形~円筒形、先端が硬い外層で覆われ結晶をつけるものとつけないものがあり、長さ17~43µm、幅4~6µm。グロエオシスチジア(粘嚢状体)は子実下層にあり、粘性(屈折性)の物質を含み、円筒形~棍棒形、長さ17~28µm、幅5.5~9µm。胞子は長さ4~4.5µm、幅3~4µmの広惰円形~類球形、無色、平滑、非アミロイド。
ザイモクタケOxyporus corticola (Fr.) Ryvarden ヨーロッパなど世界に広く分布。主に広葉樹(ポプラ属、トチノキ属、ハンノキ属、カバノキ属、クマシデ属、ブナ属、ヤナギ属,など)に発生し、まれに針葉樹(モミ属、トウヒ属)にも発生する。
(参考 Nunez; M.; Ryvarden L. 2001. East Asian polypores. Synopsis Fungorum. 14:170-522 )
類似種のシックイタケ(A. gypsea)は同じように白色で、柔らかい繊維状の子実体で、同じように針葉樹に発生する。しかし後者の孔口は大きく、菌糸の特徴が異なる。
This polypore remained poorly known, almost forgotten, after its original
and simple description in Japanese (Yasuda 1918). Hattori and Ryvarden
(1994) transferred it in Antrodiella and prepared an illustrated description.
It was reported as an annual species occurring in Japan.
However, two Chinese collections are obviously perennial. Basidiocarps
of the species are very variable: sometimes they are pileate, sometimes
effused-reflexed so that resupinate parts are dominant but bear numerous
small pilei. The species may occupy half of a big log and make abundant
and extensive fructifications. According to our measurements the pores
in the isotype are a little smaller (6-8 per mm, n=30/1) than they were
reported to be (5-6 per mm, Hattori & Ryvarden 1994). In the microscope
A. gypsea differs from the other species in the genus by its narrow skeletal
hyphae (not exceeding 2.5 μm in diam, vs. over 2.5 μm in diam in most other
species of the genus). The thin-walled and subulate cystidia made up another
diagnostic character. Basidiospores are scanty in most of the Chinese collections
and the isotype, they are hyaline, and can sometimes be found only in phase-contrast
illumination. The spores are oblong-ellipsoid, (2.5-) 2.6-3(-3.1) x 1.2-1.7(-1.8)
μm L=2.90 μm, W=1.37 μm Q=2.11 (n=30/1, specimen Dai 1033). Junghuhnia
conchiformis X.L. Zeng & Ryvarden was described from Changbai Mts.
It also inhabits Abies, but has a little bigger spores (2.5-3.5 x 2-2.5
μm, Zeng & Ryvarden 1992). According to the description this taxon
would seem to be Antrodiella gypsea. Antrodiella gypsea is common in Changbai
Mts. It is apparently widely distributed in northeastern Asia, because
we saw lots of specimens of the species from the Russian Far East in TAA.
It mostly grows on Abies, commonly on rotten wood, fallen trunks, occasionally
on stumps, charred wood or living trees. It is saprotrophic and probably
necrotrophic. Specimens examined. - China. Jilin Prov., Antu County, Changbaishan
Forest Res., 1993 Dai 833 (0), 835, 1017, 1033 & 1048; 1995 Dai 2034
& 2126. Huadian County, Dongxing, 1993 Dai 1662. Huinan County, Hongqi,
1993 Dai 413 & 1530. Wangqing County, Lianjia, 1993 Dai 1251. Japan.
Tofuku, Sendai, 26N.1912 Yasuda (TFM 16663, isotype). Russia. Primorye
Terr, Temei Distr., Parmasto (TAA 108874, 150896, 150910 & 151239).
Basidiocarps annual, sessile, effused-reflexed to occasionally resupinate,
single to imbricate, soft, cottony, very light in weight; pilei dimidiate
to elongated, up to 2 cm long and 1 cm wide
reflexed, pileus on reflexed specimens up to 2 cm wide and 1 cm thick at
the base; upper surface tomentose to fibrillose, at first white to cream,
later pale straw-coloured, azonate to slightly zonate, often somewhat radially
wrinkled; resupinate basidiocarps effused up to 12 cm in longest dimension,
soft and leathery when fresh, drying friable; margin fertile, or sterile
and then whitish to cream coloured, soft, fimbriate, up to 7 mm wide; pore
surface cream coloured to pale tan, pores circular to angular, 2-4 per
mm, with dissepiments that quickly become thin and deeply lacerate; context
ivory, azonate, soft-fibrous, up to 3 mm thick; tube layer concolorous,
up to 5 mm thick; taste mild. Hyphal system monomitic; subicular hyphae
hyaline, simple-septate, thin- to very thick-walled, often encrusted, 2-5
μm in diam; tramal hyphae similar. Cystidia of two types; some frequent
to rare, cylindric, thin-walled, capitately encrusted, 17-30 x 3-6 μm,
simple-septate at the base, not projecting or barely projecting from hymenium;
gloeocystidia cylindric to fusiform, thin-walled, with refractive contents,
arising in subhymenium and often projecting beyond hymenium, 33-45 x 6-10
μm. Basidia clavate, 4-sterigmate, 15-18 x 5-7 μm, simple-septate at the
base. Basidiospores ovoid to broadly ellipsoid, hyaline, smooth, negative
in Melzer's reagent, (4.5)5-6 x 3.5-4.5 μm. Type of rot. White rot of conifers
and hardwoods. Cultural characteristics. See Nobles 1958. Sexuality. Unknown.
Substrata. Rarely on conifers like Abiesモミ属 and Picea,トウヒ属 usually on hardwoods,
especially on Populus, but also recorded on Aesculusトチノキ属, Alnus,ハンノキ属
Betulaカバノキ属, Carpinus,クマシデ属 Fagusブナ属, Lavandulトネリコ属a, Salixヤナギ属, Sorbusナナカマド属,
and Ulmusシナノキ属. Distribution. Apparently present in all forest regions
of Europe. Circumglobal species.